Chapter 9 - The Hogs Head

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Hesperia's POV.

Another week passed in a blur and it was already time to go to Hogsmeade and join Harry's group. Everyone was excited to go and before long, our permission slips were being checked and we were walking to the town. I got mine signed just before third year when I threatened to kill Mr. Hill with one of my daggers. It was fun seeing him so scared of me. It was the first time an adult was scared of me and I learned just how useful fear is. (A/N: In case this was confusing, Mr. Hill was the person that ran the orphanage. I have also been researching psychopaths and I'm going to try to add more of that in.)

When we started walking, I followed Harry at a distance and soon enough we arrived at the Hogs Head Inn. It was a small and very dirty place that seemed a lot darker than most other places at Hogsmeade. I liked it, but I was confused why Harry chooses here instead of somewhere else like The Three Broomsticks.

By the time I entered, there was already Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Zacharias Smith, Michael Corner, Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Cho Chang, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey, Angelina Johnson, Anthony Goldstein, Marietta Edgecombe, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Lee Jordan, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Lavender Brown, Ernie Macmillan, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Alicia Spinnet, Dean Thomas, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Ginny Weasley. (A/N: I didn't realize there were so many people lmao) I didn't know most of them personally, but I have been keeping tabs on every one since third year so I at least know their names.

When I walked in, all excited chatter stopped and got replaced with quiet whispers while staring at me. I shifted my weight from foot to foot and nervously played with my hands. I never felt more vulnerable, which I guess is good for my mask.

Harry finally gets up and says, "This is Oliva. Oliva Wilde. She may be a Slytherin, but she is muggle-born and is not like the rest of them."

He went over to the front of the room and I fell into the shadows of the back of the room. I was making mental notes about everyone and everything and deciding on what was important and what I should tell my father.

After Harry explained what this was, he asked us to sign a piece of paper to join. Almost everyone got up to sign. I stayed in the back and was the last to sign. As I was about to sign, I felt and little buzz of magic and knew that it was enchanted. I focused all of my energy on removing it and I was only thinking 'Finite Incantatem'. I dragged my finger over the space where I would sign and imagined having the spell coming out of my finger. I knew it worked when I instantly felt tired. I quickly signed and whispered a quiet, "Thank you." And walked back to where I was standing.

Hermione said, "We have enchanted galleons to go warm to tell you when there is a meeting. The meetings will be held in the Room of Requirement at the time on the galleon on the same day. Any questions?"

Some voice from the front, that I could not see asked, "What's this called?"

The next person to speak was a girl I identified as Cho Chang said, "What about the Defence Association? DA for short."

A few people murmured agreement, but then Ginny Weasley said, "I think we should keep the 'DA' part, but have it stand for Dumbledore's Army instead."

Everyone seemed to agree with that so Hermione asked again, "Any more questions?"

No one had anything else to say so she passed out the coins and everyone started to leave. When she gave me mine, she glared at me, and I quickly put together a mask of nervousness and fear. It was not great, but she seemed satisfied.

I waited until most people left before I went up to Harry and said and sincerely as I could, "Thank you for inviting me. I know you will be an amazing teacher."

He blushed a bit and said, "T-thanks Oliva. It means a lot. Do you want to help teach? You are good at charms, defense against the dark arts, and dueling."

I quickly went over the advantages and disadvantages of saying yes but figured it was better. I smiled slightly and said, "I would love to, but I don't know if I'll be any good."

"I'm sure you will be. Keep the coin on you. See you later, mate."

"See you."

I walked out of the inn and started thinking about what just happened.

1; I joined the... DA.? Really stupid name.

2; Harry trusted me enough and thought I was good enough to let me help him teach.

3; He called me his 'mate'. He must care about me to some extent, as I don't think he calls most people his 'mate'. I should use this, but be careful. I still don't know how far his care goes.

By the time I reemerged from my thoughts, I was in a shifty-looking area, multiple blocks away from the inn that was just barely visible. I heard footsteps coming from my left. Quicky sliding back into how I used to act on the streets. I was able to pin-point the person and they were an averaged sized man hiding in the shadow of an alleyway.

I quickly went over my options; I could run away and most likely outrun them but I would be out of breath when I saw others and I don't want to explain that. I could though a knife or hex to not let the man get near me, but it's too open and..... what's the fun in a quick kill?

I decided to walk into the alleyway across from the man and reached inside my robes holding my wand, but not pulling it out yet. As expected, the man walked over to where I was with his wand raised.

He shouted, "Stupefy!" I got out my wand and wordlessly blocked his stunning spell then I shouted, "Silencio. Incarcerous."

He was unable to block the first and since he could not cast wordlessly, he was bond with a look of terror on his face. I let myself drop the mask and smirked. Knowing that he was in trouble, he struggled against the bonds. They were too strong and he was just wasting energy.

I quietly vanished his wand before quietly saying, "I was studying a new, dark curse. The Acid Blood Curse. I have yet to try it out, but I think you would do nicely. Acidum Sanguis."

A pale red-orange light shot out of my want and hit the man directly in the chest. It took a few moments before it started working, but when it did, it was amazing. He was thrashing around, obviously in horrible pain. He started dissolving inwards and bubbling red blood started coving his body. After three minutes, there was almost nothing left of the man who was thinking of the pleasure he would get from me less than five minutes ago. At that thought, unwanted memories tried to resurface but I pushed them down, even further than before.

I looked around making sure no one was near before vanishing the last bits of the acid-blood and carefully putting my happy child mask back on and heading back to school. I hope dad will have a response for me soon and won't be too make at me killing the random man...

(A/N: Her first murder on/near Hogwarts :D Does anyone know where the spell is from? 10 points for your how if you do!

(Hint: It's from a Bellamort book on Ao3)

Anyways, how is everyone?)

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