Chapter 1 - Orphanage

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Oliva's POV.

Screaming and multi-colored light could be seen throughout the Westview Orphanage. (A/N: Who else can't stop thinking of WV?)

This didn't even phase me though. I heard of dark wizards and witches going to kill muggles and mudbloods like myself from school behind a leader named Voldemort. Harry said last year that he was back. I didn't really believe him, but I decided to say at the building I was forced to call "home", in case he came. Now thinking back on it, it was not very well thought out. They can easily kill entire villages of muggles. Why would a few adults and three dozen or so kids be any trouble?

I went through my options.

I could either try to escape out the window. Well, that wouldn't end well. I don't have a rope or anything like it, the wall was almost completely smooth and I couldn't climb it, and I was too high up to jump.

I could try to run. There was only one staircase and there was no way I could run out of it.

I could hide. That may work, but if they found me, I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

The best solution was to fight. I have been using my daggers since I was eight and I'm hoping I can use them well enough.

I don't want to die, but I know there is so little chance of me surviving. It's best to never hope than to hope and being disappointed. I started going through multiple techniques, but also mentally preparing myself for dying.

I turned to my only friend, Senna, she is an Inland Taipan snake. I found her when I was eight during a field trip to the zoo. I broke her out and we ran away, together.

I hissed to her, "They are coming, go just behind the door so when they walk-in you can bite one of them and I'll hopefully be able to my daggers to kill the other."

Senna tilted her diamond-shaped head down, nodding, and slithered over behind the door and curled up, ready to strike.

I grabbed my daggers and got ready to fight. I hoped that there would only be two, otherwise this wouldn't work. I flexed my wrists a few times, getting ready to block the spells.

As soon as the door opened, an orange light shot at me almost instantly. I barely had a second to get my dagger in the way and block the curse.

The shadows at the door were obviously surprised. The first of them stepped further into the room, not quite past the door but enough to see his face. I couldn't breathe for a moment.

Standing in front of her was the noseless, paperwhite, face of Voldemort. He looked like a ghost in the pale moonlight, except for his red eyes.

I calmed myself down after my minor panic attack as he took a few steps forward.

As soon as he was passed the door, I hissed, "NOW!" I threw one of her daggers to the shadow just outside the doorway, and Senna bit at the Dark Lords' leg. She sunk her fangs deep in his leg and let out as much venom as she could.

The Dark Lord didn't even seem to notice and magically threw Senna off with a wordless spell. The shadow in the background put up a shield charm before the dagger was even six inches from them.

I knew I was not going to get out of this alive and almost hopped for a painless death, even though I knew I was not going to get one. I silently scoffed at myself. DO NOT HOPE I screamed at myself.

The Dark Lord's pupils were slit-like so he probably had some amount of venom resistance otherwise he would be having a seizure right now. And the shadow in the corner-blocked the attack.

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