Chapter 3 - Memories

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Hesperia's POV.




It all came back to me.

When I was able to open my eyes again I saw Cissy and mother standing over me.

Then my mother bent down to hug me and whispered, "I'm so sorry."

I nodded and slowly started getting up. I had a minor headache but it was manageable. I saw my father standing in the corner seemingly deep in thought.

I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to talk about Em- her. Just her.

Eventually, my father gave a signal for my Aunt to leave and she did. Then he asked, "What happened?" In a voice that had no emotion. I was not sure how much I wanted to tell them. All I wanted was Senna to calm me down and convince me everything is and is going to be okay.

A flicker of hurt flashed over the Dark Lord's face but it lasted only half a second before it returned to a cold mask. He said in a calm voice, "What do you not want to tell us?"

I froze. I didn't know how I could respond to that as I haven't decided how much I wanted to tell them. But then I realized I didn't say anything out loud and I visibly tensed and said, "Are you reading my mind?" I wanted it to make it sound threatening but it came out as scared and slightly timid.

He gave a small scoff before saying, "Yes, but I can't look around in your memories, and it's annoying as you seem to want to hide something so very bad. So tell me, what are you hiding?"

At that point I almost black-out again, but luckily my mom noticed this and said, "You don't have to worry about what will think, we have all had bad stuff happen to us. But we are survivors. You don't need to tell us now necessary, but we would like to be part of your life and that includes the good and the bad."

Hesperia was genuinely confused by what she was saying. Err-- not what she was saying but it just seemed so strange for this 'crazy death eater' to say something as deep as that. And started to wonder if it's just an act to make everyone scared of her. Either way, it worked.

Her mother scoffed and said, "Who said you can't be crazy and empathetic at the same time?"

"You can read my mind too!?!?" I almost yelled.

Then my mom said smugly, "Yep."

I thought 'Welp....I'm fucked."

Her dad scolded me and said, "You're not allowed to swear."

I thought 'Well fuck that. I can do whenever the hell I wanna cus it's my head so either get the shit out or deal with it. I would rather you get the shit out but whatever.

Her father scowled then left saying something about how children should not be swearing and that he was going to go finish planning out a mission. (A/N: I'm going back and editing everything, and I still laughed way to hard at this xD)

I was quiet for a moment before saying, "Am I going to join?"

Her mother replied saying, "The Death Eaters? I don't know. I'll talk about it with your father. You can when you become of age, but it depends on your skill level if you want to join early. You can't use a wand until you become of age so I don't see the point of joining now. You would only have a mark and if anyone sees it you better have a really good lie."

I almost laughed and said, "Did you forget I'm amazing with daggers?"

My mother said, "No I did not, but you can't attack. You can block spells, but unless you want to throw one of your daggers and risk losing it, you can't attack. You would also need to be taught quite a bit about dueling and that still doesn't help with getting the mark. You would also have to leave school quite often and how would you even get to Malfoy Manor?"

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