Chapter 5 - Hunting

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(A/N: Welcome to a very dark and violent chapter. If you don't like torture, murder, gore, and other stuff like that, you should not read this chapter. This is worse then my normal ones. You have been warned.)

No one's POV.

Hesperia had been going to Death Eater meetings every week when there was one. No one questioned her as they were all scared of her. After nine days, Wormtail was awake and done healing, but would always have scars on his left and his face was still slightly indented. She spent many hours with her mother working on Dark Magic. Hesperia also taught her how to use her dagger better and basic levels of karate. They also spent at least a third of their time torturing mudbloods and blood traders in the dungeon. Hesperia has now only three days before she goes back to Hogwarts.

Hesperia's POV.

I watched my mother send another neon red light at the blond-haired, green-eyed, mudblood screaming in front of us. We were both laughing and smirking like mad. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that this was so wrong and that I would not be happy to be on the receiving end of this again.....

My mother stopped and looking at me and I nodded. I shook the other thought out of my head and advanced on the girl. I said in my creepiest voice, "Do you want me to hug you? To kiss your injuries? To tell you you're going to make it out of here alive?"

Her eyes grew wider and gave a small, almost unnoticeable shake.

I pouted and said, "Aww, I was only trying to help..." I kneeled next to her and hugged her. At first, she tensed against me but I didn't make any move to hurt her. She eventually melted into the hug and I took this as my opportunity. I reached into my robe pocket and pulled out my dagger. Before the girl could react, I cut a deep, long gash against her back.

She screamed loud enough to make any sane person at least flinch. But I was not a sane person.

I held her tightly while drawing another line on her back. She was struggling hard and I had to use more energy than I wanted to into holding her.

I hissed to Senna, who was waiting in the corner, "Come over here and hold her arms down." Senna slithered over to the girls and started wrapping around the younger one. She whimpered when Senna's cool scales touched her blooded skin. Once I was satisfied with the fact that she could not move, I got up and started dragging both my daggers around her skin. She was screaming the whole time but I paid no attention to it.

I felt my mother come up behind me and we continued making gashes all over the girl's skin.

After around fifteen minutes of cutting her, she stopped screaming and struggling. I hissed to Senna, "Suffocate her." She coiled herself tighter and tighter until she turned blue and slumped over, dead.

Senna slithered back over to me and wrapped herself around me. My mother and I turned around and walked towards the door. Right before we exited the cell, we turned back to the bloody corpse. My mother pulled out her wand again and wordlessly vanished the body.

We walked back upstairs and into the kitchen to get breakfast. Cissy was in there cooked when we entered. When she turned around to look at us and gasped. I was confused. I knew Senna was still wrapped around me, but she had seen us together before. Then I looked down at my dress and blushed. My black dress had streaks of crimson and maroon; blood. I took out my wand and wordlessly cleaned the blood off my dress.

Cissy turned her attention back towards the food and my mother and I sat down at the table in the corner. Cissy finished the food and brought it over to us. She made eggs, bacon, and waffles. We talked about random stuff while we ate.

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