Chapter 4 - Death Eater Meeting

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No one's POV.

It has been multiple days since Hesperia arrived at Malfoy Manor. She was often reading about dark curses, potions, or objects in the library, exploring with Senna and Nagini, or getting lessons from her mother or father. They have stayed out of everyone's ways and no one other than her parents, Nagini, and Cissy, knows of her existence.

Hesperia's POV.

I heard the annoying calls of the Peacocks outside before I opened my eyes and stretched. I heard a gentle hiss to my right and I hissed back saying, "You can sleep more if you want to. I'm just going to the library to get a book on advanced poison potions. I'll be back soon."

I slipped off my nightgown and put on a black dress with silver lining and black laced up boots. I left my hair in crazy curls around my shoulders. I didn't care how I looked as I was hoping not to see anyone. I looked back at Senna but was already back to sleep. We have both been sleeping better than we ever had and she was taking advantage of that. 

I walked out of my room and down the familiar path to the library. When I got there I started to search through the huge library and eventually found a stack of poison potions, animals, and plant books and headed back to my room.

When I got back, I sat on the bed and when Senna noticed this she wrapped herself gently around me. I began to read about the basis of all potions before switching to a book on poisonous animals and how to use them best for poisons.

I read for around an hour before my mom came in and said, "The Dark Lord and I have been thinking about how you could become a Death Eater and be useful without giving us away. You have said before that you were friends with the Potter boy so we want you to spy on him. If you get any useful information, tell Severus and he will apparate you here to report to us."

My eyes widened when I realized what this meant. I was smiling a genuine smile to myself and I hissed to Senna, who was slowly waking up, "I'm becoming a Death Eater!!!!"

My mom said, "You will not be receiving the Dark Mark though."

My face instantly fell and I said, "Why?"

"Because there is no way to conceal it and you can't always wear long sleeves. We need you close to Harry and if Dumbassdoor notices this he may manipulate Harry to stay away from you."

"No one will suspect anything though. Why would the Dark Lord want an average, fifteen-year-old, introverted, mudblood?"

"The matter of the mark is not up for discussion. You know if you ever anyone else you would be thrashing in pain on the floor right now."

I tensed up when she said that. I knew I was pushing a mentally unstable, powerful Death Eater, and should have expected that, but it was still unsettling. I asked, "With I at least be able to attend meetings?"

"No, not normally." I had a crestfallen expression but my mom continued, "There is a meeting tomorrow you will come to though. No one alive except me, the Dark Lord, and Cissy know of your existence so you will be acquainted with the rest of the inner circle."

I instantly perked up at this. I was going to meet the other Death Eaters!! I asked, "When is it?"

"Tomorrow." And as she said that my mother started to walk out of the room.

I said "Wait! Where will I sit? What do I wear? Do I make a big entrance or just be like everyone else?"

Mom smirked and said, "Hold on my little Serpent. You will sit on your father's left. Just wear normal stuff. And I don't have an answer to your last question."

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