Chapter 7 - Therapy

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-- Time Skip About 3 Weeks --

Hesperia's POV.

I was finishing up my DADA homework when I saw Harry walking into the library. I was trying to stay away from him as much as I could as I really did not want to have a therapy session with the person I'm trying to kill, although I may be able to get useful information.

I didn't have a chance to get away before Harry called out, "Oliva! Oliva wait."

I looked up from my stuff and put on my normal fake smile and said, "Hi Harry! What's wrong?"

When he got over to me, he suddenly looked shy. He said, "Hey... um, can I talk to you about stuff?"

I nodded and said, "Of course."

He looked around nervously and said, "Can we go somewhere more private?"


I picked up my stuff and followed him out of the library. We walked through many hallways before stopping in front of a wall and he paced in front of it. I was about to ask what he was doing when a door appeared in the wall. I jumped back instinctively and reached for my wand. Harry did not seem to notice and walked up to the door and opened it.

He turned back to me and said, "This is the room of requirement." He walked in, and I followed.

Inside it was a cozy little room with two chairs. 

He closed the door and said, "This place will change to whatever we need. I need a quiet place I could talk with you and that is soundproof. So it became this."

I nodded and sat in one of the chairs and he sat on the other.

He exclaimed, somewhat angrily, "It's not fair! I didn't even want to be entered in that stupid tournament! I didn't want Cedric to die! I didn't want Voldemort to be revived! I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A NORMAL YEAR WITH MY FRIENDS AND BE ABLE TO WATCH THE TORTOMENT FROM THE SIDELINES!!"

By the time he was done, he was basically screaming. I let him have a moment to calm down as I was thinking of a way I could use this. I had a good plan: turn him against Dumbledore. I knew it would take a while, but there was probably enough to convince him over time.

I said, "Honestly, life is not fair." He scowled at this but I continued anyway, "No one wanted any of those things to happen. But that's the interesting thing about life; no one knows what's going to happen. Not really anyway. Everything just happens, and there is very little anyone can do about it. I guess Dumbledore you have just removed you, but he must need you to do another trial or something. But you just need to move on; you are probably not happy now. There is nothing you can do now. It's alright, I don't blame you for his death. You would have been killed if you were not needed and no one could do anything about it; you were too far away."

I paused for a few minutes so he could think about this. When he relaxed again, I continued, "You could never forget, and it would be stupid of me to ask you to, but I will ask you to move on. You can't stay like this forever. Breathe in and think about all your anger,  your blame. Then breathe out and move on, no one will hold it against you."

He did as I said a few times and it seemingly worked.

He smiled and said, "Thank you. I do have one question though, what do you mean Dumbledore wanted me to do another trial?"

I smirked internally, this is perfect. 

I said, "Well, he wants to see if you are good enough, again. In first year, he left clues throughout the year on where the Philosopher's Stone was and how to get to it. Even the challenges at the end were made specifically for you. You made good friends with Hagrid and he let it slip how to stop Fluffy, Hermione knows lots of things so she knows what the Devil Snare was and how to get past it, you are amazing on a broom and could get the key, Ron is good at chess and was able to win, you already beat a troll, Hermione knew she could get the potions right and that just left the mirror." 

I watched him process this and he seemed to get.... scared..? He asked quietly, "Do you really think he is trying to kill me?"

"Well... I think it's more of a test than anything else. He probably has everything figured out in his master plan."

That just seemed to make him even more nervous. I mean, I probably would have been too. My 'savior' testing be and trying to kill me is just part of his own plan. This is perfect. 

He thinks over it for a few minutes before saying, "Thank you, Oliva. Umm... You know how we are learning nothing from Umbridge? Hermione wanted me to teach my own class. We are meeting in the Hog's Head during the first Hogsmeade weekend. Are you interested?"

I didn't even wait a second before saying, "Yes! Of course! Umbitch is teaching us nothing and I'm sure you will do amazing."

He asked, "Umbitch?"

I shrugged and said, "She is a bitch and bitch is close enough to bridge to make it fit. So yea, Umbitch."

He laughed and said, "Thanks for all of this. See you later."

After he left, I smirked and went over everything I learned and did.

'I learned of a secret room, I helped Harry with his problems so he should trust me more, I made him dought Dumbledore, I got invited to his club thing that I'll hopefully be able to learn something, and he laughed.'

That's a lot done in only half an hour.

Father will be pleased.

.... Hopefully.

(A/N: Heyya! Sorry I have not added another in like two weeks..... I have almost 3k words in another chapter that will probably be in a few chapters. Sorry this is shorter than normal, but I needed an in-between chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!

PS: On the Wattpad version, I added chapters at the beginning that describe Hesperia's daggers, wand, and looks so if you want to see what I envisioned, go check that out.)

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