Chapter 8 - The Letter and Poision

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(A/N: Do y'all like longer or shorter chapters? I think I'm going to do shorter chapters as I just need to do a conversation or two, then need to go somewhere else. If people care though, I could try and accommodate that.)

Hesperia's POV.

After a while of thinking everything over and thing of more ways I could manipulate Harry and his group, I started writing a letter to my father in Parselscript.

Hello Father,

I recently had a meeting with Potter and did a few things that may be useful and that I thought I should bring to your attention. Firstly, I helped him get over Cedric's death. He was still angry about it but we talked and now he is better. He should hopefully trust me more, but that's not the only thing I did. During this, I brought up the idea of Dumbledore manipulating him. He took the bait and had me explain first year as well. He will not trust Dumbledore as much anymore so I believe I'm getting somewhere with this. He also invited me to a club like class. He decided that since Umbridge is teaching us nothing, he would teach it. I accepted his invite so I should also be able to tell you who is in his 'circles' and who is strongest. The first meeting is in about a week so I will have more information then. Also, when will I be able to see you again or go on a mission?

- Hesperia

I read over it and I was satisfied with it, I left the room and walked down to the dungeons to give this to Snape. When I got down to his classroom, he was grading papers and barely noticed me when I walked in. I put on silencing and locking wards on the room before walking over to him.

I said, "Snape, bring this to him." And walked away to the shelves in the back of the room.

He asked while picking up the letter, "What is this."

I sighed and said, "You have no right to be asking me about that. Also, do you have detention tonight?"

"No, why do you care?"

"I'm going to start my first attempt at my own potion."

He went quiet, probably thinking about how to talk me out of it. I searched for Dragon Spikes, Infusion of Wormwood, Hippogriff Blood, and Powdered Root of Asphodel. I was disappointed when I saw that he only had the two more basic of the ingredients.

I pulled them off the shelf and turn to Snape and said, "Do you have Dragon Spikes and Hippogriff Blood anywhere?"

He narrowed his eyes at me and said, "Why do you want them?"

I was quiet for a few seconds to compare my options; I keep it a secret and use my position above him to order him around, but it would make him hate me. Or I could tell him and get his input because he knows more than me and it could develop a trusted relationship between us. I decided to stay in his good books and help could be useful.

I said, "Would Dragon Spikes, Infusion of Wormwood, Hippogriff Blood, Powdered Root of Asphodel, and Snake Venom make?"

I took him over a minute to figure it out, but he eventually said, "In the right proportions, it's possible to make a strong poison. In the wrong proportions, it will explode with toxic gasses."

I smirked slightly and said, "Do you see now why I need them?"

He glared at me slightly and said coolly, "Yes. Do you have the recipe? I would rather not killing everyone."

"No, I do not. I have a few theories, though." I wasn't even able to focus on what he was saying next. I couldn't help but think about making it wrong on purpose. Killing Everyone. I would help my parents by killing Harry and Dumbledore and hopefully it would be enough to satisfy E-- her enough to let me see her again.

I was broken out of my thoughts when he said, "I'll get the ingredients. It will take a few weeks though."

"Thanks." And I walked out of the room.

After walking through a few corridors, I was at the Slytherin entrance. I said quietly, "Salazar," and the wall opened and led to the common room.

It was around eight-thirty and there were a lot of people here. I just walked silently to my dorm, trying not to disturb anyone.

When I got to it, I put up the normal wards and got out a dark arts spellbook, and laid down on the bed. Senna must have sensed me as she slithered onto me and draped herself over my back. We laid there without talking for over an hour before I got tired. I got out and wand and levitated the book back to the bottom of my trunk and extinguished the light.

I fell asleep a few minutes later, satisfied with the progress I was making.

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