Hesperia (/Oliva)'s Wand

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I'm just procrastinating but I was wondering what her wand would be. I made alts. on WW and took the want test depending on what they would answer.

Oliva Wilde - Alder wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾" and unyielding flexibility

Hesperia Riddle - Pine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13" and rigid flexibility

Yes they are technically the same person, but I just have such a big difference in my mind. I think that Oliva would have defiantly have been a Hufflepuff, if not the fact it was all a lie. Hesperia is a lot more assertive now that she knows that she is the child of the two most powerful dark wizards and she has already lived though some bad shit. So yea......I'm gonna make myself write now (/research because I sorta forget what happens in fifth year lel)

See y'all in a few days with my new chapter :)

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