Chapter 2 - Malfoy Manor

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Hesperia's POV.

When the awful feeling of being squeezed was finally over, I looked up saw a huge, dark building; Malfoy Manor. I walked behind my parents and Senna slithered off of me, stayed on my side less then seven inches away. We walked down a long walkway to get to the house. On either side of them were huge hedges that seemed more then ten feet tall. As they walked up to a large iron gate. The gate seemed to turn to smoke when they got near and continued walking inside. My father walked off while my mother stayed at the door and gave me a look like 'stay here'.

Then as soon we got inside, Bellatrix screamed, "CISSY! WE'RE HOME!"

I could hear someone sigh from somewhere to her left and called out, "Give me a minute Bella, I'm not your house-elf."

Bellatrix scowled and replied, "I thought you would want to meet someone, but I guess if you don't care about her....that's fine."

Senna hissed quietly to me, "What's going on?"

I hissed back, "I don't really know. My mom is yelling at someone named 'Cissy' to come here."

Senna seemed to nod and coiled herself closer to me.

They both shifted their attention away from each other and towards the footsteps that were echoing and getting nearer. Once the woman was in view I immediately thought was this was the woman version of Draco. 

As soon as she saw me her eyes widened and whispered, "Is--is that her? How did--how did you find her?"

Bellatrix nodded and said, "Yes. We found her in a filthy muggle orphanage. We looked through the recorders and found hers.....but it said that she was dead. So the Dark Lord and I got so angry and started murdering everyone there. She was in the last room and we shot a dark curse at her--" Cissy gasped at this but my mother didn't seem care and continued, "And it would have hit her in her chest if she didn't block it with daggers. She seemed to have a plan to kill or at least try to escape as her snake was hiding behind the door and bit the Dark Lord and she threw one of her daggers at me. She talked to her snake and we knew she was ours, then we removed her glamour and that was even more evidence she was ours, then we did the blood test and it turned white ."

Cissy was still confused and asked, "So basically you thought she was dead, you went mental, you almost killed her, she talked to a snake and she was your daughter?" (A/N: I love this sentence xD)

My mother smirked and said, "Basically." 

Then looked back at me and said, "But one thing doesn't make sense, how the hell did you block the most powerful wizard's curse with a DAGGER?!"

Hesperia shrunk back slightly and Senna sensed this and coiled protectively around her. And hissed softly, "You know we don't have to stay here. Just because your parents are here doesn't mean you have to say. We have been surviving for long enough on our own. You blocking the curse proved that further. I just want you to be happy and safe, whatever that may mean."

Hesperia smiled softly at Senna and hissed, "Thank you. I think I'm going to stay here for a while until it becomes unsafe or they start asking too many questions. I just don't--don't need to revisit those memories."

Hesperia said to the two women, "I have been practicing and I figured out how to do it."

Her mother said, "That was a very lame description." She sighed and continued, "You will show me later."

I was glad that she didn't make me go into detail as she didn't want to open up to anyone yet and hurriedly replied saying, "Sure, I'll show you."

There was awkward silence for a moment before Cissy asked, "Want to see you room?"

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