The Last Chapter

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A/N: Hello readers, I am discontinuing this book. Bellow is what the unfinished next chapter and under that is my notes for how I wanted the story to go. I apologies to anyone who was enjoying this book, but I have moved on to another fandom and have needed to do this for months now.

A few weeks later Harry called the first DA meeting. Hesperia thinks back to happier memories in order to cast a Patronus. Flashbacks occur.   

Harry said, "Today we are going to be learning the spell Expecto Patronum."

My eyes went wide at this. I knew the only way I could do this is to think of my time with..... Em. As everyone started practicing, I took a deep breath and let my mind wander back over four years ago.

~~ Memory ~~

I saw a brown owl fly towards me. It seemed to have something attached to its leg. It flew down towards me and I instinctively reached for my daggers. But then I felt Emma's hand on mine and she shakes her head.

It perched on a branch six inches away.

I cautiously walk over to the owl. It holds out its leg with a rope and a letter attached to it. I gently remove the rope and letter from the owl.

I turn back to Em and sit back on the log with her.

She asks, "Hogwarts? What's Hogwarts?"

I shake my head and said, "I have no clue."

We read the outside;

Ms. O Wilde

Hollow Yew Tree

New Forest National Park

We both tense.

We are both thinking the same thing.

How do they know where we live?

I opened the rest of the letter and Em read over my shoulder.

It said;

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

When we both finished she asked, "So you being able to summon your daggers back and start a fire is.... magic?"

I nodded and said, "I guess so."

She asked, "You will need to.... owl them?"

I shrugged and said, "Yea, I guess." I got up and started searching through our stuff for paper and a pen. I eventually found it but decided against writing back without thinking much.

There was a second piece of paper. I unfolded it and we started reading.

I said, "So I guess there are different magic types and we learn it from books."

Emma said, "I really hope you go. I can go back into town and do something there while you're gone."

I looked away from the paper to Em and said, "I'm not leaving without you."

She sighed and looked back at me, "I appreciate that, but if I can't go, you still are. I'll be fine. You thought me how to protect myself and I'll be fine."

I gave her a side hug and said, "I know you will be fine, I just don't want to be without you."

She hugged me back and said, "I'll miss you a lot too, but take your opportunities. Always. Promise me this."

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