Chapter 1 - After the Ball

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Third person POV

Sofía and Hugo got dried up with cloths and towels. Baileywick gave, after the ball. Hugo's family stayed over for little while until it was time to go. Sofia talked to Hugo. While Amber and James spoke to Axel. Soon it got late, and Hugo and his family was about to leave, before they left, Hugo whispered into Sofia's ear, "Tomorrow first date you and me." Sofia nodded quietly. Before waving to Hugo when he got into the carriage.

Sofia's POV

I waved to Hugo before going back inside, only to be dragged in by my sister and brother.

I asked as I smiled, "What do you two want?"

Amber asked as she jumped up and down, "What happened between you and Mr Right?"

I asked as I crossed my arms, "Do you mean Hugo?"

They both smirked and nodded.

I answered with a huge smile, "Well let's just me and Hugo are kinda dating now."

Amber asked as she smirked at me, "So does that mean you two are officially together?"

I replied as I started to give a shy smile, "Kinda officially together."

Amber squealed as she went up and down like a child, "I'm so happy for you!" "You and Hugo are kinda together now!"

James smiled softly, "I'm happy for you Sof."

He paused and changed into a serious expression, "But if he hurts you, I'll seriously hunt him down and make him pay."

I smiled as I went to my room, "Okay I'm going to bed."

Dad said as he walked to me, "Sofia I need to talk to you."

I rubbed my eyes and stretched, "Okay." "I'll be with you in a minute."

I got changed from my gown and heels to my nightgown.

Dad came into my room and smiled joyfully, "Sofia before you go on your first date with Hugo." "You have a handful of missions with him."

I asked confused, "How did you know Hugo asked me out for our first date?"

Dad chuckled, "I spoke with his father and mother." "And told me that he wants to go out with you on your first date."

Dad added before he left my room, "Sofia, just because it's summer, doesn't mean you won't have missions."

I chuckled softly as I get ready for bed, "I know, Dad." "Besides being a spy is fun and risky." "Especially during summer." "How many months will these missions take?"

Dad answered before leaving my room, "3-6 months because all of these missions are important as the missions you went on with Hugo before."

I yawned as I get to sleep, "Okay Dad." "We'll be able to handle it." "Good night."

Dad kissed my forehead and whispered, "Good night sweetheart."

Hugo's POV

I still can't believe me and Sofia are kinda dating now. I can't wait to call her, my girlfriend, but we're not quite there yet.

I was getting ready for bed when Axel and Dad came into my room.

Dad smiled as he patted my back, "I'm glad you're happy champ." "But you and Sofia will have to put your date on hold for now."

I asked confused, "Why?"

Axel said as he messed my hair, "Because these missions are important as the ones you did with Sofia beforehand as well." "And it will be for 3-6 months."

I shrugged my shoulders as I get into bed, "Okay." "I can put the date on hold for a while."

Axel gushed, "I still can't you have a girlfriend."

I corrected him, "Kinda girlfriend, remember we're taking it slow."

Axel smirked as he went out of my room, "Yeah yeah whatever."

Dad laughed, "Good night Champ."

I yawned as I get to sleep, "Night Dad."

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