Chapter 18 - MICHAEL!?

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Sofia's POV

Me and Hugo yelled surprised and shocked, with mixed emotions, "MICHAEL!?"

I stood up and looked down guilty because how did I not this?! Of course he hasn't make it that obvious to me to want me back but then again I'm a oblivious person overall.

I ran back to the library since I just wanted to bury myself in books and just stay here forever.

Sometimes I wish I was normal person with a normal life. Anyways I grabbed a good amount of books to read and hide myself from the world.

Hugo's POV

I was about to run after Sofia when my dad said calmly, "Son maybe you should let her process this for now."

I went to my room, thinking where Sofia might be and why did Michael go ahead and do that!

I understand he might what Sofia back but that's in the past, wait does he know about me and Sofia's secret relationship?

It was getting late and Roland allowed Sofia to stay with us until she's finished processing that her ex wasn't who she thought he was.

When it was getting dark and I wondered why Sofia was. I went to the library to get a book. When I heard some soft snoring on the desk where a LOT of books were.

I moved the piles of books and I saw Sofia snoring on a book she was reading. I got the books back on the shelves before I carried Sofia to my room.

I closed the book she was reading and took to my room as I carried Sof.

While I was changing into pj pants. Sofia woke up.

She yawned as she stretched her arms, "Where am I?"

I chuckled as I walked up to her, "You're in my room and you're staying over so you don't have to worry about it." "You're staying over for 4 days."

She hugged me while I was shirtless, "Okay." "I'll stay in your room for now before going to the guest room."

She got changed and got into bed and got to sleep. I put a blanket around us and cuddled close to her.

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