Chapter 32 - Safe

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Hugo's POV

Sofia was still unconscious on my lap. I was going to ask some people for help but then I thought it would be dangerous if they found out that me and Sofia are spies.

So I let the help come to me. No that I was lazy, I was being cautious with myself and everyone around me.

So as long Sofia is going be safe. And we're safe.

I tried to do a mouth-mouth to see if she could get some of the sea water out of her mouth.

After I did it. She coughed out the water. She looked up slowly at me.

She whispered keeping her eyes on me, "Hugo what happened?"

I hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry Sof you're going to be okay." "You were drowning and I saved you thankfully."

She smiled at me gently and she slowly returned the hug.

As we continued to be in each other's embrace, I saw Michael and Cassandra creepily watching us as if something was going to happen. I saw some blood coming out from Sofia's side.

I gently put Sofia back on my lap. So more blood wouldn't get out from her side. While she rested on my lap. A couple came up to us.

The woman offered in a sweet, reassuring voice, "You two dears should go to our cabin." "It's just outside the village." "And my husband and I can let you two have the guest room for you." "My husband is a doctor so he can help your friend."

I looked down to Sofia and she nodded quietly in agreement giving a sweet smile to me. I gave them a small smile and we went to the their cabin but I don't know why but I felt a weird vibe when we entered their cabin as if they had hidden cameras and bugs to listen to our conversations.

Her husband Morgan I think his name was? He helped Sofia with her wound she got. I think Christian was his wife's name?

Sofia's POV

It was getting dark so me and Hugo stayed in the guest room when I was walking in the room.

I saw Hugo practically examining every nook and cranny of the cabin.

I asked as I get into the bed, "Hugo what are you doing?"

He looked at me as he got into bed with me, "Oh nothing it's just I felt something off with the cabin and the couple so I'm making sure we're not being watched on."

I thought for a moment before whispering into his ear about my plan to find out whether the couple is with Cassandra and Michael or they're a normal couple.

He looked at me as he gave me a peck on the lips.

He said softly still holding me in his arms, "That plan is ingenious." "They'll never see it coming."

I giggled as I rest my head on his shoulder, "Yeah." "Mmm this is nice even though we might not know whether our exes are still out there and they would do anything to be back together with us so we need to keep our guard up."

He said softly as he gave me a small peck on my forehead, "Yeah."

I gave him a peck on his cheek as I get sleepy, "Yeah." "We should get some sleep."

I went to asleep on his shoulder, I felt a bit cold but warm enough since I was sleeping in Hugo's arms.

I heard him close the windows and get into bed.

Cassandra's POV

I watched as the couple we planted to them.

I smirked as I folded my arms against my chest, "Okay so they set." "Great thing is that we put mini cameras everywhere around the cabin."

He nodded and went back to the castle. I went back home after I watched them go into the cabin.

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