Chapter 11 - Running the Investigation

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Third person POV

Sofia and Hugo started working on the investigation in a few days but all the had was a dead end because they didn't have enough evidence yet. Sofia started to visit Hugo in Albuquerque more so they would run the investigation together. When Sofia was running on the investigation with Hugo in the dining room. She realised something.

Sofia's POV

I gasped quietly as I realised we had one clue in front of us already! How could've we been so blind!

I tapped Hugo and asked, "Hugo do you have your motorbike from our date?"

He put down the book he was reading, he replied as he slowly held my hand, "Well Sof after our first date I asked a private garage or engineer to fix it."

I asked slowly, "Well can you ask him or her whether we can examine the motorbike please?" "I understand you might not want to but it could probably be vital to our investigation."

He thought for a moment before he replied with a smile, "I'll see what I can do."

I nodded, "Okay thank you."

While we working on the investigation, we had unexpected guests. None other than Michael and Cassandra! Great(!).

We quickly hid the paperwork and spy work etc.

Cassandra's POV

We came in while they were working on their little 'secret spy work.'

They reacted quickly and hid it from us.

Sofia and Hugo said awkwardly, "Hey guys long time no see."

I smirked as I kissed Hugo on his lips, "Hey Huggie bear."

I saw Sofia quickly get uncomfortable with me, I noted, I mean majorly uncomfortable which will go well with my and Michael's plan.

He quickly pulled away and laughed nervously, "I'm not your Huggie bear anymore."

I saw his eyes land on Sofia which didn't help him and Sofia but helped me even more.

He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I'm single... not with anyone so yeah."

I noticed they were hiding their relationship quite well I suppose for two spies like each other.

Me and Michael stayed for a while before leaving I dragged Michael to a corner in the castle.

I whispered as I walked down slowly to a corner, "Michael did you notice that?"

He asked confused, "Noticed what?"

I huffed angrily as I crossed my arms, "Oh I don't know the fact Sofia and Hugo could probably be together." "And Sofia acted a but uncomfortable when I kissed Hugo."

He thought for a minute before he replied with an evil smirk, "Yeah meaning if they are together." "Hugo will definitely be easy to target." "And get revenge on." "And our plan will work even better."

I added as I smirked, "And Sofia will definitely be easy to target as well." "Our plan will work like a charm on them and they're so oblivious that they don't know."

Me and Michael got onto the carriage and I dropped off Michael at his house. I went back home and I went to sleep peacefully with the plan set in motion.

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