Chapter 13 - Security Cameras

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The next day

In the village

Sofia's POV

Me and Hugo were in the village, looking for anything we missed out from last night. We wore our spy clothes but with a hoodie.

While we were searching for more clues, a police officer came up to us.

The police officer asked, "Hello kids what are you two doing?"

Me and Hugo looked at each other before replying.

Hugo replied honestly, "We're looking for clues for something."

I added as I stepped forward, "And we'd appreciate the help if you don't mind helping us but we have to do it in secret for a number of reasons that we can't tell you Sir."

Then after me and Hugo spoke to him, he looked at us with widen eyes and shocked as well. I noted.

He whispered-yelled as he looked at us, "You're Agent Sofia and Hugo." "From the Royal Spies company." "You two are known as the best spy duo in the Tri-State area." "Don't worry I know about the royal secret so you two can trust me."

Me and Hugo sighed with relief.

I asked politely as I went forward again, "Excuse me sir but can you help us if we aren't of any intrusion."

He chuckled as he walked into a car, "No it's no intrusion come on in." "I'll be happy to help you your majesties." "My name is Andrew by the way head of the police department."

We got into the car and we went to police station.

Hugo's POV

We went to the police station. We went to the main room with the computers and coding.

Andrew said as he lead us to two computers, "Here these computers will let you see what's going 24/7." "We have security cameras everywhere." "So it will help you two."

We sat down next to each other.

I turned around and thanked him, "We thank you for helping us a lot."

Andrew chuckled before he left, "No problem it's our duty to help others as much as you do."
Me and Sofia started getting on to work with the computer and the cameras.

It took us the whole day, we even had lunch and dinner there. We stayed for a LONG while.

When I finally found a right date and day, I copied it onto my hard drive. I continued to look if there was something missing from the security cameras. And it was getting dark.

I was going to say something to Sofia but when I saw her, her head was going side to side because she was going to sleep.

I chuckled and I put her head gently on the desk.

I just looked at her and I thought to myself, 'Damn she's really cute especially when she's asleep.'

I stroked her hair gently and whispered to myself, "She's so gorgeous."

She mumbled something that I couldn't get clearly.

I turned off the computer and hers. I scooped her gently from her chair, making sure not to wake her up.

I told Andrew, "We'll be back tomorrow.",

Andrew nodded and left. We left and I dropped Sofia off home. And I went home and checked the hard drive and it wasn't good quality on the videotape. So I went to sleep, since I deal with it tomorrow morning when me and Sof visit the police station again.

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