Chapter 16 - The gun/ the finger prints

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2 days later

Third person POV

Sofia was waiting for Hugo to come over because they were going to see whether the gun had any fingerprints on it. Or who's fingerprints is on it. She outside waiting patiently.

Sofia's POV

I was pacing back and forth waiting for Hugo to arrive to see what the scan test showed us about the gun and ski mask.

I waited for an hour before I saw a carriage from Albuquerque landing in front of me.

I sighed with relief before running to Hugo and punched him in the arm for being late.

He shouted at me, "Ow!" "Why did you do that?"

I replied as I crossed my arms, looked away in anger, "Well for one you came late when I told you over text yesterday to come early!"

He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes, "I'm sorry please forgive me."

I looked up at him and he looked adorable when he did his puppy dog eyes when he's begging for forgiveness.

I sighed in defeat, "Fine you're forgiven but next time if you're late again then I'm going to stay mad at you whether you like it or not!?"

He slowly walked up to me and stroked my hair gently, smirked, "You know what?"

I asked confused looking up, "What?"

He laughed and smirked again before replying, "You're like a feisty lioness in my eyes whether you're in a gown or in your spy outfit."

I blushed at the compliment and quickly changed the subject so I wouldn't get embarrassed or teased by him, "We should find out what's going on with the gun and ski mask with the scan test already."

He laughed a bit and walked with me. We went to the room where my dad was.

Hugo's POV

We walked into the her dad's office.

She asked as she sat down, "Okay dad can you tell us what the scan test did?"

He answered with a small smile, "Well let's just say we scanned and we found some fingerprints but we haven't found out who's the fingerprints belong to."

I asked as I sat down next to Sof, "Okay how long will it take for us to find who the fingerprints belong to?"

He replied quickly as he looked at royal documents, "We suggest a week at the least for now."

I asked, "Okay so while that happens do you have any missions for us?"

He thought for a moment before saying, "No nothing too big for now." "Just small missions for your older siblings."

I nodded as I thanked him, "Thank you for the help." "We honestly don't know what we would've done if we didn't ask dad and you for help."

Roland laughed as he went back to the documents, "No problem son."

I kissed Sofia's forehead before leaving again to do homework and just improve on my spy work and skills. Sofia, she did the same thing before going to sleep.

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