Chapter 35 - Who are you two?

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Morgan's POV

Okay so we got into a room with Sofia and Hugo. They started harshly talking to us. Hugo specifically. As for Sofia she tried to talk but Hugo would interrupt her.

How about I just show you.

Hugo who was harshly, he shouted harshly at us, "Who are you?!" "And why are you working for our exes?!" "

Sofia, on the other hand, she said softly but calmly, "Hugo calm down please." "They probably meant no harm but they had to do it because they were threatened or something else."

He turned around and hugged her tightly as he gazed into her sapphire eyes, "I know I know." "But I want to you to be safe." "And I need to protect you no matter what happens to you or me."

She said softly as she put her forehead against his, "I know you want to protect me Hugo I understand you but I'm not a damsel in distress or weak." "You know that." "And I need to protect you no matter what happens to you as well you mean everything to me." She paused and asked as she kept her head against his, "Let me try with them okay?"

He stayed silent for a few moments before replying with a soft, gentle smile, "Okay."

She smiled softly as she walked over to us, "Hello Morgan and Christian." "We aren't going to hurt you but I'm going to ask you nicely and calmly in a civil manner."

She continued as she looked at us, "Why are you working for Cassandra and Michael?" "And who are you two really?" "Are your real names really Morgan and Christian?"

We both looked at each other and then nodded quietly.

She nodded quietly as she said in a gentle voice, "I think they must've been threatened you." "So your real names are Morgan and Christian."

We nodded in agreement. She asked as she sat down, "And one more question: are we being watched by them?"

We nodded again. They let us go and we went back home, they told us not to go to Cassandra and Michael. And to be careful.

Hugo's POV

We went back into the cabin since other then home Cassandra and Michael would go.

As we walked into the cabin. And got rid of the mini cameras wherever we found them.

I noticed as we got to bed, that Sofia looked a bit pale.

I asked as she laid down on the bed, "Sof you okay?"

She replied sleepily as she stretched out, "Yeah of course why do you ask?"

I smiled as I played with her hair, "It's just you look a little pale." "I'm worried about you."

She relaxed into my chest as she drifted off to sleep, "I'm fine." "Just a bit tired that's all, don't worry about me."

I was to say something when I noticed she was asleep. I wasn't entirely convinced by she said. But I went to asleep beside her anyway.

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