Chapter 6 - An Awkward Meeting

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Third person POV

Sofia decided to clear the tension in the air. Sofia asked Cassandra, "So how did you and Hugo meet and become boyfriend and girlfriend?" Cassandra answered with a fake smile, "Well I was and still am a spy and I had to get intel on him because I was told to take out the royal family of Albuquerque from the inside." "And I had to cheat on him so he wouldn't find out my true identity." Sofia looked at Hugo and he nodded quietly. Cassandra asked as she sat closer to Sofia, "So how do you know Hugo?"

Sofia's POV

How did I know Hugo? Ugh why did it have to be that question? Okay come up with a lie to cover your spy identity and Dad's and Garrick's secret company.

How can I come up with the perfect lie? I looked at Hugo and he made eye contact with me. Everyone who knows me, know I'm a bad pretender and a worse liar.

I took a deep breath and faked a smile, "Well me and Hugo bumped into each other at some ball when I was 13 or 14."

Cassandra asked another question, "How do you know Michael then?"

I hear Hugo growl under his breath.

I stated with forced smile, "The same way you met Hugo." "In fact." "Sadly."

Hugo leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I'll go and try and get along with your ex while you try and get along with mine okay?"

I whispered softly as he got up, "Okay."

Hugo's POV

I suggested as I grabbed Michael's arm, "Come on let's let these ladies bond shall we?"

I was trying my best to not pick a fight with him. This has to be the most awkward meeting for me and Sof. But most of all for our exes.

We went to the living room and we watched movie. I forced a smile to him. What did Sofia see him?

Cassandra's POV

Why did my Hugo leave? Oh is Sofia his new girlfriend?

She's going down.

I growled as I got up, "You really think you are meant for my Hugo."

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, "Well you spoiled bitch!" "You asking for a fight?!"

I laughed sarcastically, "YOU BITCH I'M NOT ASKING FOR ONE I AM MAKING ONE!"

She said as she came closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Well you bratty sl*t you will have to try ever so harder because I'm not one to go down with a fight either."

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