chapter 7

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. What even happened last night? Groaning, I get up and start getting ready for class when Daphne walks in.

"Good morning y/n!" Daphne says happily. "How are you feeling?"

"My head's pounding and I don't remember anything from last night so terrible?" I say while putting on a short skirt and a cute t-shirt.

"I bet. Here drink this." She hands me some kind of potion. "Don't worry, it'll help you get your hangover."

"Thanks Daph." I take a sip of the potion and almost spit the whole thing out. Why do potions always have to taste so disgusting? It took me a long time to swallow the rest without gagging.

After both of us were done getting ready we headed out and started walking towards the common room but then I noticed how everyone was staring at us. I looked at Daphne but she kept walking so I did the same.

"Hey Daphne?" I start saying. "Why is everyone staring at us or specifically me?"

"You really don't remember anything from last night do you y/n?" Daphne says while both of us starts walking towards the Great Hall.

"Nope. Nothing at all. What happened?"

"Well-" Daphne started saying but then I heard a voice calling my name so I turned around and saw Blaise.

"Y/n wait up!" Blaise says finally catching up to me.

"Good morning Blaise!" I say with a smile.

"Good morning to you too. How are you feeling?" He says while the three of us make our way to the Slytherin table.

"A bit better thanks for asking."

Blaise started making the most stupid jokes causing me to spit my pumpkin juice out. It's been a while since I had a good morning laugh so I was actually enjoying it but my mind started wandering somewhere else.

Where's Draco? He's always in the Great Hall in the morning. Probably still sleeping maybe or shagging a girl like always. Why do I care where he is? It's not like he means anything to me.

"Y/n? You there?" Daphne says who realized I completely zoned out.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking about something. We better head to class." I say while I start to get up and then I see him.


He looked mad. Really mad. His hair was a bit messy while his jaw was clenched. Draco started coming towards the three of us but stopped when he saw Blaise.

Everyone was silent. People started gathering around waiting to see what's gonna happen next.

"ZABINI! WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU." Draco yells with pure anger in his voice. He instantly grabs Blaise by the shoulder and starts punching him. Over, and over.

Silence. The hall was just dead silent.

Blood was pouring down Blaise's face. He tried to fight back, however, Draco's fists kept slamming into his face. Over and over again.

"Dude what the fu-" Blaise started to say but Draco just kept punching him.

"Draco stop, you're hurting him!" I screamed trying to get him off of Blaise but he instantly pushed me hard causing me to crash into a wall. My forehead started to bleed but at that point I didn't care.

Daphne was trying her best to hold Draco back. There was no use, he was too strong.

"Y/n. Is. Fucking. Mine." he said while he kept punching Blaise. Draco's knuckles turned red from all the blood. "Remember that Zabini. MINE."

"STUPEFY." I yelled while pointing my wand at Draco. He immediately came off of Blaise and slammed into a wall. Daphne and I rushed over to Blaise to see if he was okay. His nose looked like it was broken while his face was a mess.

"Blaise I'm so sorry." I started sobbing. Tears just kept pouring down my face. What is fucking wrong with Draco? What did Blaise even do to deserve this? He didn't do anything wrong.

Blaise looked at me with his brown eyes and just smiled.

"I'll be okay y/n." He says trying to get up. "Don't worry about me, I'm used to this. The real question is are you?"

"What are you talking about? Look at you." I say then I remember my forehead was covered in blood when I touched it.

"Shit y/n you're bleeding really bad." Daphne says looking really scared. "Come on you both have to go to Madam Pompfrey quick."

"Hold on Daphne. Take Blaise, I'll catch up with you guys. Let me talk to Malfoy real quick." I say with disgust in my voice when I said 'Malfoy'. I walk over to Draco to see him glaring at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I say angrily.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Your the one who kissed Blaise." Draco spat. I slapped him hard. What was he talking about? I didn't kiss Blaise. Is he out of his mind?

"What is the matter with you! I did not kiss Blaise. We're just frie-" I start saying but Draco stopped me.

"Just friends? So friends kiss right?" He scoffed and I just stood there confused.

"Why do you even care? It's not like we're together or anything."

Draco stood there. I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away but then he grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me into a empty classroom.

His face was very close up to my mine. You could just hear him breathing heavily while his icy grey eyes stared into my eyes.

"Remember what I said to Zabini?" Draco says slowly. His eyes lowered down to my lips. "You're mine. My fucking slut. No one else's, got that?"

He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. Who does he think he is?

"Correction Malfoy, I'm not yours. I. Never. Will. Be. So keep dreaming." I leave the classroom with Draco standing there in shock. Malfoy in shock? That's a first.

I don't belong to anyone. He's just a fucking manwhore who was just trying to get in my pants. "You're mine." How dare he says that I'm his? I'm no ones especially not Malfoy's. Pathetic. That's the word to describe Draco Malfoy. I scoff while remembering his words and started heading toward the hospital wing.

Then everything turns pitch black.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now