chapter 6

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I don't want to care what people think about me, but how could I not start to worry when I'm about to go out drinking with Blaise and a bunch of Slytherins.

I haven't been at this school long but already I'm receiving a bad reputation.

I mean as if getting into the token 'bad' house wasn't enough crap to begin with. I've made a couple of enemies already, almost as if I was just plainly picking flowers from a garden. So little effort put into it, being hated from barely even breathing, if you're gonna hate me have a good reason to do so. I sit with a Ravenclaw, a very nice and beautiful girl might I add, that's not a good enough reason to hate me. And definitely not a reason to slut shame me.

That Malfoy boy.

Devoting his life to me, to make it just that little bit more shitty. He's got a whole gang, if you could even call them that, they're more like followers, either way he's gotten them to hate me, that's for sure. I hate that boy. With a burning passion. But I couldn't help but think about him as I placed a scarf around my neck emitting a series of flashbacks, a necklace moulded by his hands, ice-cold rings that became engraved on my throat, a tightening sensation around my neck which greeted me with.... pleasure? Not to mention earlier this morning. And so much more I can't go into.

I'm an Aveline and he's a Malfoy.

Not that that's the only thing standing in the way, he also happens to be a massive dick.

But aside from him, it gets worse. My life gets worse. As if my bogart hadn't ruined my chances of people thinking I'm mentally stable. MY MOTHER. My own very mother. I didn't need a shapeshifter to tell my whole class that I've got issues. I didn't need them to ever know, let alone in a class format. A bogart has no definite form as it takes the shape of that which is most feared by the person in front of it. It took shape of my mother. That should say something and it does. It speaks volumes. Things I wouldn't tell people I trusted, no matter how much.

Blaise knows this. He was there for it. This man I hardly know, knows my deepest darkest fear. And yet, he still wants to go out with me. He knows and doesn't care enough to stop that from asking me out. I smile at this thought. He notices the smile on my face as he brings me my jacket. It's not too cold out, I mean it's just September but it's different here than in France. France is quite warmer than England as a whole.

"Excited?" He asks me.

I look up at this tall boy to see an equally happy face staring back at me, "Yeah" I say breathing out.

"This must be your first time at Hogsmeade?" he asks me, helping put on my coat.

"Uh.. yeah" I say, I don't know how to make small talk with this guy I hardly like.

He smiles at me and I smile back, he opens the door gesturing for me to go first. "Shall we?"

I don't say anything, I just smile and walk.

As were walking down he begins starting up a conversation. To my surprise, he avoids my mother, nothing close to her comes up, nothing about the class, nothing at all. It's always the bare minimum that makes me happy. As I least expect it. I try to talk as much as I can with him. Getting to know him better. I don't need to be madly in love with him, or overtly find him hot and sexy for him to be a crush.... right? I mean isn't that what dating's about, not finding THE ONE but getting to know people, getting to know your type, etc. Feelings develop and grow. I can't force myself to like him, only fake it. But maybe if I get to know him, get close, I might start to like him like that.

We arrive and he takes my thin jacket off me to hang it up. I roll up my waistband on my black tennis skirt making it shorter than should be and I'm wearing a matching black long sleeve cropped top so my mid drift is showing, and well if I bend down my ass will be showing. Just how Draco doesn't like it. We make our way down toward the rest of the Slytherins. His hand in the small of my back leading me to the tables. As I approach Daphne greets me with a smile, "You came!" She exclaims in joy. I nod and smile in her direction, trying to pay little to no attention to the dull grey eyes x-raying my every move.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now