Chapter 24

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Y/n pov

Loud knocking was heard on the door combined with someone yelling. I was shocked by the constant knocking and banging on the door that I parted from Draco and stared at the door.

He stood there.

Cedric was on the other side of the fucking door. Only the wooden material of the door and a weak spell separating us from the angry hufflepuff boy.

"What a cockblocker." Draco whispered into my ear with one of the most hated smirks he could form on his angelic face.

"Shut up, if he asks something we were just talking okay?" I ask in a nervous tone not ready to open the door and face him. I felt my heartbeat pulsing through my body. I was visually shaking, scared out of the reaction and anger Cedric was gonna unleash on us.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you in there? What are you doing?" Cedric yelled with pure anger and curiosity radiating off of him.

I plucked up all the courage I had to open the door. I turned the doorknob to open the door and there he was storming inside the empty classroom. He threw a nasty glare at Draco not liking the fact that him and I were alone in this room.

"What's going on? Are you okay? What were you two doing?" Cedric was attacking us with questions. Acting like he was my boyfriend, but on the other hand I wouldn't like it either if my date was with someone else.

"I'm fine, me and Draco were just discussing something in private." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. While Draco on the other hand was looking at me with lust in his eyes. Those beautiful grey eyes sparkling everything they land on me.

"Are you sure?" Cedric asked whilst his eyes were switching between me and Draco.

"Yeah mate, everything is fine." Draco answered while putting a hand on his shoulder to walk past him out of the door.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked with an innocent smile trying to change the subject.

"Uhh, sure."

As we went back to the great hall to join everybody at the ball again, we bumped into Blaise and Pansy who both looked lovely. I couldn't help but to admire the gorgeous couple standing right infront of me. I couldn't deny the part where I wanted Blaise to ask me to the ball, but they were truly beautiful tonight.

"Enjoying the ball?" Blaise asked the two of us.

"Yes, we are and you two look gorgeous. But anyway, Cedric and I were gonna go dance, see you guys later." I said not feeling like talking to them right now.

I saw Draco dancing with Astoria and with that I felt my insides turn with pure jealousy. I wanted to drag Cedric to the dance floor to make Draco feel what I felt and so I did. We made our way to dance with each other, and then he grabbed me by the waist. I looked straight into my eyes and remembered something my father used to say to me.

"It's hard to love someone when your heart belongs to another."

It hit me, right then and there I realized that I didn't want to go with Cedric after all. I did it to make him jealous. To make the boy that I desire jealous.


All of the sudden I got pushed out of the hands of Cedric and into the ones from Theo. We were switching dances. And how lucky I felt when I looked at Theo.

"You alright? You seem a bit off." Theo spoke with the most enthusiastic voice I've heard. And the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"What? No, yeah yeah I'm fine." I lied.

He ignored my lie seeing right through me. We were twirling and spinning. I saw Draco in the corner of my eye pushing people away to get to me. And so I got pushed out of Theo's hands and landed into his. I could already guess who it was by the strong hold they had on my waist.

"Il semble que votre petit ami n'apprécie pas le bal." He whispered into my ear while looking at Cedric.
[It looks like your boyfriend isn't enjoying the ball]

"He is not my boyfriend, just a date." I say in a frustrated voice.

"Oh, but I know ma chérie. I just like it when you get angry." He said letting goosebumps rise onto my soft skin his fingertips were stroking.

I was dancing with him, Draco. As the song almost came to an end he lifted me up. All kinds of feelings and butterflies when through my stomach. He let me down, dropping me halfway. And I looked straight into his eyes. His hands lowered from my waist to the inner side of my thighs. Placing his cold hand on my flustered hot skin, pressing his rings in my thighs. I felt my throat hitch up. Seeking for a fleeting moment to catch my breath while those piercing eyes were following my every move.

The innocent look I once held on my face was now gone . It was replaced by a look of need, lust and hunger. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. His fingertips were sliding perfectly over my skin. The smooth and soft touch of him caressing me felt euphoric. The burning sensation came all the way from my inner thighs to my core.

I let out a silent gasp because of the way he made me feel. Because of the things he did to me.

The song was coming to an end, as we were staring into eachothers eyes intensely the song hit a magical beat and all of a sudden Draco spinned me and dropped me half way. I gasped and he looked into my eyes. I saw a glint. His finger traced up my thigh chills rushing throughout my body. It felt immaculate.

Me and Draco. Standing in the middle of the ballroom. Music playing in the background. Me halfway on the ground and him and I staring into eachothers eyes lost in a pile of stars. Even though it doesn't make sense, that's how I feel. And then he spoke.

"Are you alright darling, you're looking a little pale. Why don't we go outside to get some fresh air."

And so his hold on my thigh disappeared and I was snapped back to reality. I felt his hand snake around mine intertwining our fingers with each other.

The moonlight collided perfectly with his skin. His eyes were so mesmerising that it felt like I was under a spell every time I looked in them. I was trying not to get lost.

When I realized I left Cedric all alone at the ball. As much as I wanted to feel guilty of what I didn't, I couldn't. Because I was enjoying the time I was spending with Draco. And in the end of the night it's not his love that I desire. It's not his face that I wanna see first thing when I wake up. And it's certainly not his fingertips stroking and caressing my cheeks that I want. A human has needs, needs for love. But is it bad to want more? To want more then the person can actually provide you. Why can't I accept what Cedric has to offer to me? Why? ...Maybe because he could never love me in that way.

I will always hate myself for wanting someone else more. But I can't spend my whole life pretending that I like Cedric when I'm into someone else.

Draco's pov

The moonlight was shining bright this evening. And from the moment that the light catches her onto her skin, I couldn't get my eyes off of her. She looked stunning, her presents of being here next to me made a smile appear on my face. But of course didn't I show it. It would form a weakness. And I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, am not weak. But I can not lie about the fact that she made me feel things other girls haven't before.

I turn around to get a good look at her. I cupped her cheeks gently, staring straight into her eyes. I noticed that her lips were parted and her eyes were switching up between my eyes and lips.

"Tu as de beaux yeux." I whispered
[You have beautiful eyes]

Y/n pov

I felt my cheeks heat up and turn bright pink. I stood petrified while feeling my blood rushing through my veins. His lips were utterly perfect. Not a single flaw to be spotted.

"Tes lèvres sont belles." I responded.
[your lips are beautiful]

His lips were curled up a tiny bit trying to hide his smile from spreading over his face. Draco took a step closer to me. He leaned into my ear.

"You know, I love it when you speak French to me," He said with the most handsome smile ever.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now