chapter 34

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Draco POV:

I try not to avoid her but I somehow still find a way. I don't know If its my brain stopping me from going to her or the fact that I just don't see her. I mean I haven't tried to find her but I certainly haven't purposefully avoided her.... that I know of.

I want to talk to her, I want to sort things out, but at the same time... I don't?

My thoughts won't do me the liberty of avoiding her, I can't help but think of her and I'm done trying not to. I'm not going to block her out of my life not once she has left such a distinct mark on me.

I hate to admit it, I really do but sobriety has gotten the best of me.

I thought I'd think clearly drunk but It's all a jumble of thoughts bursting out like a balloon, filled to the brim with my dreams of her. Now that it has burst I'm left to pick up the pieces of my memory.

I want to find out what happened.

I need to.

But my hangover is too large for me to possibly think right now. But somehow she breaks through a crack in the window of my mind to ground me. To bring me back, she is that little voice in my head that tells me that I still have got one good thing left.


We have so much in common that I feel I know you so well, yet we have so much left to share with each other. I've never been one to believe in soulmates but you make me a believer. I wish I could share all this with you, that you give me hope.

But I can't.

I cannot let you tear down these walls, I've spent too much time building them up to have them be destroyed by a simple girl.

But you're not just a girl, you're my girl.

That is unless your ex comes back into your life, which I will not allow. I will do anything to keep you with me, you're the best thing that I've got.

You're just like me, you've been hurt, you're not looking for commitment because you're scared, but I am equally as scared for that, but we both need consistency. And I mean if two broken people can't fix each other, who can?

I want to help you, I want to fuck you.

You're ruining my life, everything I do I start to think how you'd feel about what I was doing. I picked up an apple because of you, I thought that you'd want me to eat healthily.

It seems like everything I do is for you, and I won't complain. Because if you were oxygen, I would more than enjoy breathing you in.

I feel so sappy, but I hate this so much. And I know it's probably just my brain telling me this but I hope you do feel the same. It's hard to tell, you go away from me, you go fuck Cedric and now your ex is back. How are you supposed to stay mine and only mine when I know there are other guys out there, who aren't as lucky as I to have the pleasure of pleasing you in bed.

I could feel it when I fucked you, that you'd be wanting it for a long time, to be touched like that.

Cedric couldn't find the clit if it hit him in the face.

I could feel it when we... wait a minute, we hugged. I'm starting to remember more of that night, but still details are fuzzy. I do know how everything felt, you underneath me, your sharp breath hitting my skin, the wetness of your pussy.

But I could also feel the hug, it felt like you needed it just as much as I did.

Didn't you?

You haven't told me much about your mother, but I know it must have been bad, or at least bad enough for her to be your bogart. Yeah I remember teasing you about it, you got quite upset. But I don't regret doing that, in fact I regret nothing I've done to you, because it led me to this. Whatever this is.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now