chapter 3

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As I walked to the Great hall for lunch, I spotted Luna sitting at the Ravenclaw table. As I made my way to her, I was stopped by Daphne.

"Where are you going, the Slytherin table is that way silly," she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, I was gonna sit with Luna. She's a friend of mine." I said in an apologetic tone.

"You can't do that! All the Slytherins will think that you're a traitor or something," she said with a worried look on her face.

'What do you mean? I can't talk to my friend or they'll judge me?"

"I'm sorry, but they're all so focused on house pride, and besides you don't want to be bullied by Malfoy and his bodyguards that he pretends are his friends"

Daphne and I make our way to the Slytherin table to finally eat, but the moment I sat down, I heard a low manly voice say something to me.

"That's my seat, Aveline!" Draco snapped.

"Well I don't see your name anywhere, so it's my seat now," I spat back

"Lower your attitude," he said through gritted teeth in a dangerously low voice.

It looked like Malfoy wasn't in the mood today, and, surprisingly, his low voice scared me and made goosebumps appear on my arm. I froze and couldn't find the words to speak up, which was weird because if I didn't like anything I would usually straight out say it. However, this time I was left speechless with how dangerously deep his voice got. To my surprise, Draco got annoyed and just left without saying a word.


Astoria, Daphne, and I were getting ready for bed, and changing into our nightgowns. As I sat on my bed, Astoria looked at me weirdly.

"What is it Astoria?" I asked curiously.

"I was just wondering, if you're a transfer from Beauxbatons you must speak French?" she said with a questioning tone.

"That's the dumbest question ever Astoria," said Daphne in a joking way to not upset her sister.

"Yes, I speak french," I said while laughing at Daphne's comment.

"Oh, could you pleaaase say something in French?" Astoria begged.

"Alright, what do you want me to say?" I asked with a cheerful tone.

"Say Astoria is better than Daphne," she said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Hey, that's not true!" Daphne yelled.

"Astoria est mieux que Daphne," I said with a laugh.

We laughed and talked a lot that night before we went to sleep. The first few nights I couldn't fall asleep because it was different from Beauxbatons. I rolled around in my bed feeling the soft silk and the familiar texture of warm sheets. As I sniff at the sheets, my nose experiences a euphoric feeling at the smell of laundry detergent that smells like flowers


"5 points from Slytherin for being late miss Aveline!" Professor Moody yelled.

"Sorry sir, I got lost," I said in the most apologetic tone I could muster.

"Take a seat," said Moody.

"Would anyone like to guess what's inside?" Moody asked.

"It's a Boggart, sir," Dean said.

"Very good Mr. Thomas." Moody congratulated.

"Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?" Moody asked more curious to see what we already knew.

"No one knows, boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever the person fears the most, that's what makes them so-" Hermione Granger was cut off by Professor Moody,

"So terrifying, yes," Moody continued, "luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now, uh without wand please, repeat after me, riddikulus." Moody said.
"Riddikulus!" the classroom yelled in sync.

"This class is ridiculous" Draco murmured to his friends, causing fits of laughter to sound around the Slytherins.

Professor Moody continued by giving information and instructions on what to do and how to pronounce the spell. We all had to stand in a row for us to use the charm against the boggart. Neville was the first one to try, his boggart was Professor Snape, and he changed his outfit to look like his grandmother. Next was Ron, his boggart was an acromantula and he gave it rollerblades. The third person to go was me...

I felt my hands getting sweaty and sticky as I was waiting for the boggart to turn into my biggest fear. All of a sudden I heard it, the unbearable screams and shouts of her. Her figure was standing right in front of me. I couldn't believe what it turned into, out of everything it could have been, it had to be her. I froze up, it was like someone had petrified me.

"Mother," I whisper in an unsure tone as I let out a shaky breath

"You insolent little-" I cut her off by using the spell on her

"Riddikulus!" I yelled as loud as I could. I couldn't bare to listen to her screams and insults anymore.

As I tried to make my way out of the classroom so nobody would see the tears streaming down my face, I was stopped by someone, a tall figure was standing in front of me once again, and when I looked up, my blood began to boil.

"Does somebody have mommy issues?" he said in a sarcastic whining voice like I was a toddler that scraped her knee.

In front of me was Draco fucking Malfoy, and it was not the right time for him to be messing with me.

"Shut up, you don't need to talk when you're the one with daddy issues. Don't you get it everyone is tired of hearing you say 'my father will hear about this' like it's a threat." I spat aggressively.

"You're just a little slut who needs to get laid," he said in his defense.

"Oh yeah, you're just a manwhore who fucks every girl he wants," I yelled back at him, and with that, I shoved past him and ran to my dorm. I would end up staying there for the rest of the day.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now