Chapter 10

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TW: mentioning of abuse, please read with cautions.


I felt his soft swollen lips crash against mine. His touch made goosebumps rise on my skin. We both pulled away and stared at each other. I will never get used to his mesmerizing eyes, those cold icy silver eyes full of emptiness. But this time something was different, it looked like they had a sparkle in them everytime we made eye contact.

"Aveline?" Draco asked while breaking the silence.

"Yes, Draco?"

"I'm sorry about what I said the other day in the Defence Against the Dark Arts." I was shocked. Did the Draco Malfoy just apologise to me?

"It's alright, I guess." I said.

"What did your mom do to you, y/n? I mean when that boggart turned into her you seemed really scared." He asked curiously, almost as if he was interested in my life.

He saw that I was hesitatingly thinking of all the horrible and terrible things my mother did, and for a moment I was lost in thoughts and traumas. He started to caress my cheek again to calm me down, and by the touch of his cold fingertips I was snapped back to reality.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He said in a calm and sensitive voice. I was slowly plucking up the courage to speak about my mother.

"No, I want to tell you." In that moment it felt like I could tell him everything. I felt so safe and deep inside I knew I could trust him with this.

"She always used to hit me until my cheek was bright red, and she gave me a lot of bruises. If I didn't behave she would lock me up in the cellar. She always yelled at me, if it wasn't physical she would hurt me mentally."


The only thing heard were the cries of the wind.

"My father isn't the best parent either. He used to hit me too, it always broke my mothers heart. And most of the time he would be drunk and aggressive. My mother tried to protect me but she couldn't, he was always too strong" Draco said with a shaky breath.

"I'm so sorry Draco, I- I didn't know" I said with a sad look on my face.

"It's alright, you couldn't have known." He reassured me.


All of the sudden I felt it again, the feeling of those eyes piercing through me. I felt my insides twist like butterflies flying through me.

He started to lean in, and so did I. His soft lips brushing onto mine, the euphoric feeling going down my core. He wrapped his hands around my waist to pull me closer to deepen our kiss. He allowed my hands to run through his platinum blonde hair.

His hands lowered to my thighs and I felt his cold rings press onto my skin. He starts slowly hiking up my skirt. I started to whimper in our kiss and that drove him off the edge. He shoved my underwear to the side to gain access.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes." I moaned out.

His thumb started rubbing my clit, as my breath became unsteady. I arched my back while whimpering in his ear.

"Draco." I whimper.

"Yes, darling" He said with a devilish smirk on his face. He stops rubbing my clit and brings his thumb to his mouth. He opened his mouth and put his thumb on his tongue to taste me.

"You taste so good." He whispered.

Our necks both snapped to the staircase at the sound of footsteps. We part from each other and look who's coming to the tower this late in the evening.

There she was, it was Mrs Norris. Draco and I were both relieved that it was just Mrs Norris, but still there was only so much time left before professor Filch would come.

"I think it's time we go back, Aveline." Draco said.

"Yeah I think so too." I said. We ran past Mrs Norris all the way to the dungeons. As we entered the common room I tripped due to me being drunk, but before I could hit the ground Draco caught me in his arms.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry."

He walked me to my dorm and tugged me into my bed and left afterwards. I tried to fall asleep but I simply couldn't. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw the image of his soft lips caress mine, the feeling it brought me of the sight of his eyes that stare into mine. Every touch of his made arousal go through my body.


I rolled at least a hundred times over and over in my bed, not getting the thought of her out of my head. I had her almost, almost and that stupid cat had to come fuck it all up. I just had to try again, and it would all be over. I knew it would.

But I also couldn't stop thinking about the way my name left her pretty little mouth, the way she tasted. How her beautiful whimpers and moans sounded like music to my ears, how eager I was to touch her again. How her hands roamed in my hair.

I wanted her, but I also knew that she wanted me. Why else would she say yes? Now that I know that she wants me it's gonna be easier to get her. And then I'll have her beg for more, beg for me to touch her.

I allowed my thoughts to think about her once more. How she walks around the halls, how her hair lays perfect on her shoulders. How soft it was to kiss her plumped lips. I don't want any other man to hear how she moans, or see how she arches her back in pleasure. I don't want them to touch or look at what is mine. She is mine whether she wants it or not, whether she knows it or not, I will have her in the end. And so I let myself fall asleep at the thought of her.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now