chapter 20

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TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Rape and Trauma

I woke up in a fit. My body fighting with my brain, flinging itself from side to side. My memories flooded with that guy. I couldn't move. I- I couldn't do anything. I felt empty. I felt violated and I was reliving it. But as I woke up I screamed. Not because of the nightmare. But just to reassure myself that I could. That I can scream and very loudly.

Unfortunately this did wake up Daphne but not Astoria who is a deep sleeper and plus there are walls too. Daphne came in rushing to make sure I was okay.

"Y/N. Are you okay?" She says sitting down at the end of my bed.

"Yeah... I just- had a nightmare." I say trying to swallow back tears.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks reaching out a hand to me.

As much as I don't want to bother her with my problems I know it will make me feel better to open up to someone. So I tell her. Keeping out a lot of details, she doesn't need to know about Draco and any of the gruesome details, if anything im sparing her from her imagination. Opening up is weird. I've finally told someone and I feel relieved but at the same time I haven't told her everything. I watch her face intently, as her expression changes from worried to sympathetic.

To my surprise she doesn't say anything and just hugs me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." She whispers, "It's not your fault, you didn't deserve any of that" She loosens her grip but I bring her back into the hug and she stays with me.

I've stopped crying now and we've come out of the hug.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I nod "But breakfast doesn't start till 7."

"Yeah, but if enough students are awake and hungry- I mean, they'll have to." She looks at me and I smile "Don't worry, I'll wake them. That way they're mad at me and not you."

"You're the best Daph." I hug her one more time.

"Ugh, I know!" She says before sashaying out on her way to wake up Astoria.

In just a few minutes Daph had managed to wake up a bunch of students. All grumpy and annoyed.

"What the fuck Daphne." A tired Theo yawns.

"Okay okay, you can be mad at me. Or you can get waffles!" She says shrugging.

I don't know how but this somehow worked. And we all made our way to the Great Hall.

"Told you I'd make it happen." Daph says passing me a plate full of waffles and croissants.

"Hang on a second this was all for Y/n?" Theo asks confused sitting down next to me.

Daph shoots me a look, basically saying "Does he know?"

I look back at her shaking my head, "No"

Daphne look to me again then points her eyes at him, "Can I tell him?"

"What in the world are you two doing?" Theo asks baffled.

We both stop to look at him before going back to talking with only our eyes.

Astoria joins in with the looks, "What are you telling him?"

Daph looks at me again, "Can she know?"

"What is this magic?" Theo asks.

"It's not magic, it's girl talk." Astoria explains badly.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now