chapter 37

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Everything was going right again.

That was until Xander came up to me.

"What do you want?" I ask him annoyedly.

"I want you to be my girlfriend once more," He says shrugging.

"I would never, I-" He cuts me off mid sentence.

"Yeah, yeah I know all about you and Malfoy" He chuckles, "I mean he beat me up for merely being your ex"

"I'm going" I say as I turn

"What if we made a deal?" I turn back for a second but just roll my eyes.

"Nope, you are ridiculous" I say as I walk off.

"If you don't I will tell them." He says and I stop in my tracks immediately at Xanders words, "I'll tell them all about Paris"

"You wouldn't, you'd get in just as much trouble." I say, I can feel myself shaking.

"Like when I took the blame for you and you left me back there in Paris" He scoffs and walks towards me.

"I never asked you to take the blame, you chose to, that was your decision" I say standing my ground, "Plus wouldn't you get more trouble for lying about it in the first place"

"Exactly, but you see I have nothing to lose, you on the other hand have everything to lose. You moved away, you escaped and I was left there to pick up the pieces, so don't thank me just yet."

"I owe you nothing," I say, spitting at him.

"No, but if you want to keep your new life here I suggest that you become my girlfriend again." He says stroking my cheek. "Do you really think you'll still have Malfoy if I tell him."

"He wouldn't believe you" I say, moving his hand away.

"Oh yes because he believed you when you said that you and I have nothing going on. That's right I heard you too, the walls may not be thin but Merlin, you two squabbling is loud!" He chuckles deeply.

"Okay" I say regretting every word that follows, "Let's make a deal, I'll be your girlfriend but I have boundaries."

"Naturally, but that doesn't get you out of PDA or kissing me."

PDA!! Is he serious!

Well now I know that he doesn't actually want to be back, rather he wants to 'show me off' why else wouldn't he want us to be a secret.

"Oh and on that note, you can't tell anyone and you'll have to make up a story as to why we are together, if you tell a single person the deal is off."

"Okay but what if-" I try but he just yells at me.

"Are you trying to negotiate? Do you think this is fair? No! This is my revenge. Now come on, mi amor [my love]."

I had no choice but to follow his wishes, I needed him to keep that secret.




I was forced to be with Xander the whole day, it's what I had to do for him to keep the secret. We go to The Great Hall for lunch and he makes me sit on his lap. I'm praying Draco doesn't come, I'm going to get out of this somehow and I don't need Draco being jealous and starting something.

Unfortunately I see Draco in the corner of the room,  his expression is mad and it stays mad as he comes towards me. At this point Xander sees this and kisses me in front of everyone including Draco, I can't back out so I kiss him back or our deal is off.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now