chapter 42

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Y/n Pov:

"She drugged me. Killed my father and left me for dead" he laughs evilly knowing that my relationship is fleeting by the second. "Oh and did I forget to mention she framed me for his murder"

Draco stands there quietly, processing all of this. I can see he looks angry and upset. I wonder if I have already lost him...

"Not Mr Tough Guy now, are you?" he gloats

"Shut up Richardson" we both say simultaneously and I want to laugh but I know I can't.

"Well am I wrong?" He chuckles deeply, "he's precious idea of you has gone. You're a murderer y/n and you always will be. You're also a liar"

"Then why did you blackmail me to kiss me?!" I yell at him, "if I'm such a horrible person why don't you just not associate yourself with me. You can't have anyone else as your girlfriend okay? I don't want to be yours."

"But I can't blackmail other girls as much as I can with you, I don't meet many who will have a threesome. I don't meet many that are so broken that they'll throw themselves at me for love. Love which i give you. No one else will love you but me." Xander's old tricks don't work as much as they used to.

"That's where you're wrong. I am loved" I say confidently, looking towards Draco. But I am left only disappointed by him avoiding my eye o arch.

"Pft" Xander scoffs, "I'm always right, aren't I? Stop kidding yourself." He says walking towards me.

"He will never love you like I did, and you will never love him how you love me" Xander says, hitting a nerve.

I punch him.

I punch him hard, I've wanted to for a while. I keep punching him and I don't stop. He is wrong. Maybe Draco doesn't love me anymore but I'm not unlovable. Because even if he doesn't love m elbow he did before.

To my surprise I feel Draco's hands on my waist, he pulls me away from Xander. But he pulls me out of the way to punch Xander himself.

I move Draco to the side so I can get more punches in.

The both of us punch simultaneously. 

Both of our knuckles red, some covered in his blood.

After a minute of silence Draco walks out of the room and I attempt to grab his hand but he shakes it off.

"Draco.." I try. I have to try, I can't give up on him.

"Oh come on Y/n you know I'm right." Xander laughs.

"You're right. I'll never love Draco the way I loved you but I don't need to, cause I never really loved you did I" I begin to walk out but he gets up and takes my arm and pulls me back.

"Where are you going Y/n?" He asks angrily.

"Where am I going? I'm going after him!" I yell exasperated and panicking.

"No you're not. You're my girlfriend, you stay with me." He says slowly, letting go of his right grip on my wrist. "Unless you want me to tell everyone else."

"You slimy git." I put my wand to his throat.

His smirk only grows "You know there are so many people here to tell, it's a big school" he whispers the last part.

That's when I realised it, "You were never going to let me live we're you?" I say tightening my grip on the wand, turning it and poking it deeper into his throat. All of a sudden I take my want away. "Well I don't care, tell anyone you want." He looks surprised as I walk away.

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now