Chapter 7 - Cloverpaw

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Thornstar sounded exhausted to Cloverpaw when she came storming in for the fifth time this leaf-bare. "Thornstar. It's been a full moon. I have been hunting and sparring and hunting and sparring with Swiftstripe. And listening to Robinpaw saying how lucky I am to have his mentor as my sister. I want to be made a warrior. Now."


"No. I don't want to hear this talk again. I already heard it four times. That I might get hurt and that I'm not ready take on the responsibilities as a warrior. Just because I can't see. Well, I hate to break it to you, but I am the cat who determines whether I have the ability to become a warrior like the rest of my family. And I'm sorry for disrespecting my leader but..."

The brown-furred tom heaved a sigh. "Fine. I'll make you a warrior right now."

Cloverpaw widened her blank amber eyes. "Really?" "Really. Now let's go get it done before you come in here for the sixth time by accident," Thornstar meowed and Cloverpaw followed him outside, making her way through the vines hanging from the entrance of the leader's den.

"Clan meeting!" ThunderClan's leader called from Highrock and the white and gray she-cat padded down the path and stood in front of him.

Flutterleap sat next to her and the two sister twined tails. I wonder how Falconblink is treating her, Cloverpaw thought, frowning a bit, still not approving of their relationship.

Thornstar sighed once again and repeated the ceremony he did for every future warrior. First, however started with something different than usual. 

He turned to Swiftstripe, who was gathered sides Flutterleap and Cloverpaw. "Swiftstripe, has your apprentice, Cloverpaw, learned the skills of a warrior? Do they understand the importance of the warrior code?"

Even Cloverpaw sensed Swiftstripe's confusion turn into annoyance and slight anger.

"Of course she has. She is most capable of those skills and understanding," she meowed, without her voice wavering for a second.

"Alright. I, Thornstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn," the orange-eyed tomcat said, tiredly, "Cloverpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Though Cloverpaw could only see nothingness, she seemed to stare straight into Thornstar's eyes with a certain look and raised her voice confidently. 

"I absolutely do." 

"Then by the mighty powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Cloverpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Cloverflare. StarClan honors your...talents, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan. ThunderClan is now dismissed." Thornstar treaded back into his den without further comment while the rest of Cloverflare's clanmates chanted her newly received warrior name.

"So proud of you, honey," Lionwing purred and Silverfern stroked her head with several licks. Flutterleap pressed up against her kindly and Gingersplash shoved her in a silly way.

Cloverflare was filled with happiness as she meowed, "Thank you guys!", but her hearing picked up some other words that squashed her joy instead of raising it.

"I don't know why Thornstar finally chose to make Cloverflare a warrior anyway. I thought he made a good decision, leaving her as an apprentice," she heard Coldgaze say under his breath. "Well, he couldn't keep her as an apprentice forever, or Swiftstripe would be at his throat. But I have to agree with you. A blind cat? How would she not bump into us during battles or accident run over the prey?" Embertail whispered. 

"Hey, I heard that she was supposed to be made into a medicine cat apprentice after she was blinded. The only reason that she wasn't was that since Lionwing and Silverfern are great friends with Velvetcloud, they convinced her to chose my son, Falconblink, when he reached six moons," Icysight nosed his way into their conversation.

Cloverflare couldn't bare to listen anymore and she padded up to Eagleflame, quickly. "Eagleflame may I join the hunting patrol that just went out?" "Of course, Cloverflare. But be careful. It's snowing and quite freezing."

The tabby she-cat with black markings was carrying two of the skinniest mice she's ever caught while the rest of the patrol only had one other thin squirrel for the fresh-kill pile. Well, I guess it's better than nothing, she thought as she trotted next to Hawksong, Fawnpelt, Nightfang, Leafmoon, and Foxshadow, heading back to camp. The black tom was also gossiping to Foxshadow about how it was too soon to make her a warrior. Doesn't ThunderClan have anything else better to chat about?

Cloverflare mentally groaned. She was chilled to the bone. Literally. The cold white was biting at her hind legs and freezing snowflakes were getting caught in her pelt. 

Suddenly, she heard a loud rustle and snap coming from the bare bushes and branches. Cloverflare snapped her head around. She held her tail up for the patrol to pause. "What is it, Cloverflare? You know your not the head of this patrol," Foxshadow said sharply. "Did you all hear that?" the she-cat asked, her mew muffled due to the prey in her jaws. "What?" Fawnpelt pressed. "Sort of like a pack of-"

There was a loud battle cry in the air and Cloverflare heard thundering paw steps as she sensed about six dangerous felines sprinting, full speed towards them. "Rouges!!" Cloverflare cried and dropped the mice. Foxshadow hissed loudly. "Battle formation. ThunderClan attack!!"

"Haha so professional. Carrying that food must be bugging you, so we'll gladly take it off of your paws!" one of the female rouges laughed, "Ghost, how about you take the weak looking one?"

Another male besides the female sighed. "Whatever, Swan." Cloverflare then felt him run towards her and she bit him in the chest as they collided. He fell and she felt something around his neck. A spiked collar? BloodClan? No way. BloodClan died out generations ago, her mind was confused as Ghost continued to attack her. She turned around and used both of her back legs to kick him straight in the muzzle, hard. Ghost bit her tail in response. 

Nightfang grunted loudly besides her as the she-cat called Swan pounced on him. Cloverflare threw her off, right into Ghost. "Seriously, Ghost. Defeated by a blind cat. HA. Wait until I tell Harley. You know? Our leader with the blood red collar," Swan taunted cruelly. The she-cat then turned to the other four cats. "Strawberry, Spine, Wail, Hunter. Collect the prey and let's go."

The ThunderClan patrol could barely move because of their wounds as the rouges scrambled to pick up their meek fresh-kill and ran off into the distance. 

Cloverflare rushed to each cat, anxiously, to check if their wounds were severe. Maybe I should've been made a medicine cat. Foxshadow and Fawnpelt were unconscious, Nightfang was panting heavily, his bone slightly peeking out from the large tear in his front paw, and Leafmoon was limped with a dislocated shoulder. Cloverflare had a deep cut in her tail and her underbelly was leaking blood. Leafmoon stood besides her and weakly meowed. "So, I guess those were the rouges WindClan was talking about."


Yay Cloverflare!!

I thought I would get this out on Christmas but then again here we are XD

Sorry about the late chapter guys! I've been making these pretty long actually! There's a plot twist towards the last chapter so look forward to that!! And the "BloodClan" cats are not what you think

Anyway, last day of 2020!!! Consider this my New Years gift to you guys!! If you actually like my book of course lol!

Stay happy and healthy into 2021!


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