Chapter 8 - Flutterleap

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Flutterleap was curled up on the large flat rock ledge that rested next to the elder stump, taking in the little warmth the sunlight gave and fluffing out her thin pelt to block out the leaf-bare cold.

She opened one of her stunning teal eyes and noticed that her crush, Falconblink, was tiredly coming out of the medicine den. When he caught her gaze, she saw his face lit up and he padded up to her.

"Hey you! Velvetcloud still being tough?" Flutterleap asked. Falconblink laid down next to her and sighed loudly. "I still can't believe that she was shy as an apprentice. I feel like I'm the prisoner of ShadowClan cats!" 

 Flutterleap sat up and started grooming the fluffy tomcat gently with her tongue. "Would you like to go hunting later, my strong, very, very tough medicine cat?" she couldn't help but laugh a little. 

Falconblink chuckled and licked her muzzle gently. "Absolutely. If I can escape being a medicine cat for a few moments."

"Alright, see you in the evening then! And, I think your former mentor wants you to collect some plants," Flutterleap nudged him, and Falconblink turned around and seemed to groan as he saw Velvetcloud signaling him over. 

"See you later," he muttered and the gray tom sighed as he padded over to the other medicine cat. Flutterleap tilted her head and thought, Poor Falconblink. Sometimes I really think he deserves a break.

The golden she-cat was waiting patiently just outside the thorn tunnel for her boyfriend. She didn't want anyone, especially Velvetcloud, to see her and Falconblink leave together from camp. And right when it started to snow beautiful, cold, fluffy flakes, Flutterleap heard a loud and echoey meow coming from the entrance. "I'm here! I'm here! Am I late? I'm so sorry if I'm late!!!" Falconblink dashed out of the bramble hole and nearly tumbled face first into the fresh snow.

Flutterleap covered her mouth with her paw to keep from laughing. "It's fine! Now, we better get going. And we shouldn't stay out for too long."

The tom nodded. "As much as I want to hunt with you for moons, cats would get suspicious if one of their medicine cats went missing searching for 'herbs'," he said then caught her look, "oh yeah, and they would be even more upset if one f ThunderClan's best warriors disappeared, as well."

"Nice save, Falconblink," Flutterleap rolled her teal eyes, then grinned. "Ok, time to go. Race you to that pine we saw near ShadowClan border!" And before he could respond, the tabby sprinted off through the trees.

"BUT SHADOWCLAN IS BASICALLY MADE OF PINES," she could hear him shout, clearly annoyed, but he took off after her.

Flutterleap side-stepped bushes, dove through bracken and dodged trees. She was laughing but passed when she looked behind her and Falconblink wasn't on her tail. Either  he's the slowest ThunderClan cat I've ever met, or I lost him in the forest- 

She's topped running completely and right about when she was about to call out his name, a large figure seemed to fly off a branch and kicked snow in her face when it continued running. 

"Ha! Cloverflare's faster than you and she's blind!" Falconblink yowled as he looked behind at her.

"Oh, you are dead meat, medicine cat!" she half-yelled, half-laughed. And sooner or later she ended up tackling the fluffy cat to the ground. 

"Ow! Hey!"

"Hahaha. I so win," the teal-eyed she raised and eyebrow and smiled competitively at the tomcat she pinned.

She let Falconblink stand up and as he shook the snow from his smokey gray pelt, he said, "Fine. You win. But, I bet that I'll beat you by far in the hunting contest I have planned!"

Flutterleap scoffed mockingly. "Oh, you're on!"

About an hour later, Flutterleap once again beat Falconblink in another contest and she had to admit that she wouldn't stop teasing him for missing the slowest mouse in the history of slowest mice. 

"But seriously!! The little brown thing was stuck under that oak root, too!" she was chuckling as they carefully padded through the thorn tunnel. Flutterleap stayed silent as she walked her secret boyfriend up to the medicine den. Luckily for them, no one seemed to move a whisker and Velvetcloud wasn't in the den. 

"Hey, uh, thanks for the hunting trip, Flutterleap. I was really excited to hang out with you, and get out of this stuffy medicine den," the tom with dazzling peacock blue eyes meowed as he stared at her fondly. 

"No problem. I had a great time, too," she mewed, and was puzzled why Falconblink looked so nervous. 

"Flutterleap. You know I love you right? And if you love me back, and aren't afraid of keeping a secret, would you like to be my mate? Secretly?" Flutterleap barely managed to hear him but when filled with shock when she made out his words. 

"Why wouldn't I?" she breathed and Falconblink didn't wait a second when he kissed her. Flutterleap closed her eyes, happily, and didn't open them until Falconblink quickly pulled away, unnaturally. 

She was even more confused when she saw him staring elsewhere, with a mortified look on his face and his jaws dropped.

Flutterleap, as slowly as possible, followed his gaze towards the entrance of the freezing medicine den and when she saw what Falconblink was staring at, the fear that shot through her body felt as though some cat tossed her into an ice cold lake.

"WHAT. YOU. ARE. DOING!?" Velvetcloud screamed, standing right at the opening of the den.


Ooooo is that a plot twist????

I say yes XD

And look I finally decided to update YAY!!!

Also, everyone marvel at the amazing FlutterFalcon art TaniwhaTea did!!! (She did this forever ago but I still LOVE it)

Also, everyone marvel at the amazing FlutterFalcon art TaniwhaTea did!!! (She did this forever ago but I still LOVE it)

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AWWW they are SO cute!!! Thanks Tani!!!

Anyway, sorry for the long, LONG wait.

I have a snow delay for school so I had time to write this lol!

Hope you all enjoyed! AND hopefully the wait won't be as long for chapter 9-


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