Chapter 4 - Flutterpaw

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"Hey Flutterpaw!"

Flutterpaw spun around to face, of course, Falconpaw. She mentally groaned and prepared to deal with the older apprentice who swooned over her like the largest piece of fresh-kill.

"Heyyyyy Falconpaw. What do you want?" Flutterpaw sighed.

"Just to say hello. Your pelt, err, looks nice today," said the older apprentice then he blushed fiercely. Flutterpaw rolled her teal eyes slightly. "Thanks. Yours does, too."

"Really?" "Yes, really. Don't let it get into your head, though."

The pale golden she-cat noticed her mentor, Snowberry, bouncing over to her. "Flutterpaw, there you are! I was looking for you everywhere. Didn't mean to interrupt your conversion with a tom," she winked and Flutterpaw face-palmed, "but its time for your first training session. Swiftstripe and Cloverpaw are coming with us, too. Oh, and Falconpaw, you can tag along if you'd like."

"Sure. I'd love to come. Only if Flutterpaw doesn't mind," the gray and beige looked expectantly but sweetly at Flutterpaw and her gaze softened as she nodded. Why was she so hard on this tom?  He just has a small crush on her. And he is pretty kind. No. Flutterpaw. Stop. No. You're barely six moons and you should NOT have a crush. Especially on a MEDICINE CAT APPRENTICE.

Snowberry broke the silence and exclaimed, "Alright let's go!" Flutterpaw shook her head and moved every single thought of Falconpaw to the back of her mind as she padded alongside him through the thorn tunnel.

Falconpaw opened his mouth to most likely compliment her again, with a friendly look, but Flutterpaw quickly rushed passed him and noticed the way he closed his jaws sadly and looked a bit hurt, and she felt a stab of guilt in her chest. He'll get over it.

They reached Sandy Hollow and Flutterpaw beamed as she spotted her sister and trotted over to her. Snowberry smiled kindly at Swiftstripe, who dipped her head, to exchange notes on the future session and Falconpaw sat down, a little too concentrated on a blade of grass.

"Hows your date?" Cloverpaw grinned as she sensed Flutterpaw sit down besides her. Flutterpaw thought about shoving her playfully, but thought that was mean to do that to her blind sister. "Shut up! He is not my date," she flicked her thin tail, annoyed. "So, you know about the crush?" "Obviously. Why would I like him back?!? I mean he's just..." Flutterpaw trailed off as she glanced over at him for a little too long. Falconpaw caught her gaze and when they locked eyes, he smiled a crooked grin and she flicked her ear awkwardly. How could StarClan let a tom have such perfect peacock blue eyes?

Cloverpaw must have noticed her silence and she gasped. "You DO like him back!!! OOOOOOOOOH wait 'til I tell him! Flutterpaw and Falconpaw! Flutterpaw and Falconpaw! FLUTTERP-" Flutterpaw covered her sister's jaws when she raised her voice. "SHUT UP." 

"Only if youf admif that youf like Falfonpaw," came Cloverpaw's muffled meow. "Fine. Maybe I think he is cute BUT that doesn't mean I like him." the blind she-cat opened her mouth to respond but Swiftstripe then mewed, "Okay, Flutterpaw and Cloverpaw. It's time for you guys to practice sparring. I already taught Cloverpaw a few moves and she has her mother's talent and speed. What about you?" Her light blue eyes shifted to Flutterpaw. "I have my father's bravery and strength and I also have quite a good grip," she grinned then stopped when she noticed Falconpaw's adoring gaze.

Snowberry taught Flutterpaw a few skills and tricks. Her ultimate favorite was what her mentor called "the parallel leap".  It was when a cat finds a sideways surface, like the trunk of a tree of a large rock and they leap onto it and almost run sideways around their opponent and then launch themselves at the attacker, pinning them down. Flutterpaw thought she was pretty good at it herself.

Cloverpaw and Flutterpaw faced each other. "Remember unsheathed paws," she heard Snowberry call down to them. "One, two, three, go!" Cloverpaw was the first to strike. She dived under Flutterpaw's belly and tripped her legs. The she-cat widened her teal eyes and quickly regained her balance, ready to practice her move. Flutterpaw leaped onto a small boulder, gripped onto the surface with her hooked claws and propelled herself off of it towards her sister. 

But at the last second, Cloverpaw turned and lifted her nose in the air and threw herself out of the way. Flutterpaw crashed into the sand and felt Cloverpaw's soft paw press onto her neck. "Boom. How's that for being blind, ThunderClan," she heard her sister mutter under her breath. Flutterpaw shook the sand out of her fur. "Nice, Cloverpaw!!" "Well done indeed!" Swiftstripe praised. Cloverpaw lifted her head happily and even her blank amber eyes seemed filled with confidence.

After Snowberry, Cloverpaw, and Swiftstripe started making their way back towards camp, Falconpaw padded up to her. "Even though you lost the match, that move was fantastic!" For once, Flutterpaw started to appreciate the compliments. "Thank you!" she meowed a little more cheerily then usual and the tom must have noticed because he seemed to brighten up a bit. "Mind showing me?" Flutterpaw looked at him with slight shock that turned into a playful smirk. 

"You think you can handle it medicine cat?" Maybe having a crush isn't so bad as I think it is. Even if it's Falconpaw.

"Ha! Totally! I was trained by Velvetcloud, the hero of ThunderClan!" His peacock blue eyes were teasing. 

 "Alright, give me all you got!" Yeah, it's not bad.

Not bad at all.


Guess who finally decided to update after A LITTLE WHILE.

I apologize. Again XD

Hopefully, Ill get chapter 5 out tomorrow. But you probably shouldn't count on it (Im so sorry) XDDDDD


FLUTTERFALCON. Or FalconFlutter. Which one? I kinda like FlutterFalcon!

Flutterpaw is finally started to warm up a bit to my floofy medicine boi :3

Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 4! The one and only Tani (TaniwhaTheSeaWing) motivated me to get this back on track so thank her! (Dying Light is her warriors fanfic and it is VERY good please check it out!!! She's better at updating than me lol)

This was a 900-1000+ words. GOSH talk about MOTIVATION


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