Chapter 9 - Cloverflare

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"Come on, Robinpaw! Make sure to pay attention to my movements!" Cloverflare meowed to the young tomcat while demonstrating a complicated fighting technique.

Robinpaw tensed and imitated it on her. Cloverflare sensed him charging at her and when he pounced on her and softly bit her tail tip, she rolled on her back, nearly flattening him. "Cloverflare, get off! Get off!"  Robinpaw laughed.

The blind she-cat shook out her white and gray pelt. "Not bad, Robinpaw. You're really getting better. Now, you need to finish off your tasks and report to Flutterleap about your progress," she said and tilted her head towards camp. She could hear his paws scurrying back towards the rest of his clanmates and she sighed.

Robinpaw tended to be her responsibility now. His real mentor, her sister, Flutterleap, seemed way too busy spending time with her soulmate to actually be training her own apprentice. Cloverflare had nothing else to do that the time so she decided to volunteer to give a few training sessions to the apprentice, so he wouldn't fall behind on his apprentice duties.

Speaking of her sister, Cloverflare overheard screaming coming from the medicine den about a day ago. She knew it was Velvetcloud and she had to have been screaming at Flutterleap and Falconblink. Cloverflare never had to chance to find out what really happened and she hasn't seen the golden she-cat or the second medicine cat since.

Cloverflare stretched, flicked her aching tail, and trotted back to camp through the snow. Some icicles fell from the frozen tree and shattered on her back and she grunted with annoyance.

She entered ThunderClan's camp through the thorn tunnel and she heard some of the cats chatting near her fall silent. She rolled her blind eyes. It was always the same reaction. No one wanted their conversations overheard by the dumb blind cat that had her warriors ceremony delayed a full moon.

As Cloverflare padded by, she heard Nightfang whisper to Foxshadow, "Look, here comes the loner." Foxshadow chuckled very quietly and Cloverflare wanted to claw them in their stupid faces. But they didn't deserve the satisfaction in seeing her suffer. She then walked into the warriors den and curled up in her nest with only a couple other warriors huddling together, far away from her.

"Great. Cloverflare's here," grumbled Coldgaze and Embertail scoffed softly, "I am still shocked that Thornstar ended up making her a warrior. It makes ThunderClan look like we also make deaf cats as leaders along side blind cats as warriors." A twinge of hurt shot through Cloverflare and she wouldn't let tears form in her eyes as she curled up tighter around herself.

"I heard that the real reason she stays out of camp for longer amounts of time is because she's secretly sneaking into a Twoleg Den and eating kittypet food," Meadowfur joined in. 

That's when she couldn't take it anymore. "I'm blind not deaf, you pieces of foxdung!! You should be ashamed to call yourselves warriors because you sure aren't acting like true ones!!" Cloverflare leapt to her paws and screamed in their faces. She was fuming and tears were flooding down her face as she stormed out of the den, which was filled with silent shock.

She was dashing through camp, trying to block out what everyone was gossiping about, because it only seemed to be her. Why do I even bother to try being a part of this Clan? This life is terrible. I don't even know why I would be proud to call myself a ThunderClan warrior. And it's all because of my dumb disability, she thought with fury. And that's when an idea popped into her head.

Why doesn't she just leave ThunderClan? Leave the Clans all together? No one appreciated her anyways. She could become a rouge or a loner. She could see the world beyond the Forest Territories. This was such a perfect plan that Cloverflare was all for it. But there was one problem of course. 

What about her kin? 

Lionwing and Silverfern loved her so much, but last time she checked they seemed perfectly happy not knowing where she was. Flutterleap was way too wrapped up in her love life to even care about her. Ferncreek and Gingersplash were her cousins and her best friends, but they had each other. Cloverflare had no one.

She turned to head straight for the thorn tunnel because she needed to leave as quickly as possible while she was still feeling confident about her idea. She couldn't bare to say goodbye to her family or even tell them where she was heading. They would try to make her stay even their lives depended on it. 

Cloverflare was just about to leave camp for the last time before ThunderClan's deputy Eagleflame stepped in front of her. "Cloverflare. Are you heading off again? In the freezing cold?" he asked, concern in his voice. 

"No Eagleflame. I'm just, erm.. I'm just going out to hunt," she lied. She sensed Eagleflame smile. "You should really rest but I'm not stopping you. I know some members of our Clan don't really...see your skills but I really appreciate what you're doing for ThunderClan," the tom meowed and bowed his head to her. Cloverflare felt a stab of guilt pierce her in her chest as she treaded out into the snow, trying to get as far away from camp as possible, then covering up her tracks.

There's no turning back now.




I'm sorry I didn't update in two months don't kill meh TwT

Like you all know I've been crazy busy with school and art and SCHOOL~

Well, I'm glad I finished this!! I think I'm going to make the final chapter in this book be a bit shorter because something happens to a certain protagonist and it happens really quickly (?) so, yup.

Poor Clover :<

Also who is your favorite character so far in this story? I know I hate Thornstar. He's not my favorite. The character, y'know, I designed XD

Anyways, love you guys and I hoped this chapter was worth the wait!!


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