Chapter 5 - Cloverpaw

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Cloverpaw sat down next to her fellow ThunderClan members and pricked her ears to where Thornstar was standing on the rock, who was calling out the names of the cats who would be attending the leaf-fall Gathering that night.

"Velvetcloud and Falconpaw will of course tag along. So will my deputy, Eagleflame. Cloverpaw, Flutterpaw, Gingerpaw, Fernpaw, Nightfang, Leafmoon, Wolffang, Sunnybird, Deerprance, and Coldgaze will all come to tonight's Gathering. The rest of the warriors will stay up on night shifts and guard camp. ThunderClan, let's head out," the brown tom announced and Cloverpaw sensed him leaping from the rock and striding out of camp through the thorn tunnel.

Cloverpaw smiled and was excited since Thornstar finally chose her to go to a Gathering after two full moons. She turned her head and listened to the small playful kits that would become apprentices in four moons, Maplekit, Robinkit, and Acornkit.

As she padded out the throne tunnel besides some of the warriors, she noticed Falconpaw and Flutterpaw close together chattering excitedly. Flutterpaw is definitely more comfortable with the kind tom and Falconpaw was very enthusiastic about it. Even though Cloverpaw loved to tease them constantly about their "relationship", she told them of and over again how wrong it was and how they couldn't be together, even if they had been crushing on each other for moons now. And they really are head over heels for each other. Falconpaw was way older than Flutterpaw, basically ready to become a full medicine cat, while Cloverpaw and Flutterpaw were one season away from being assessed and becoming full warriors.

And, medicine cats couldn't have mates. Velvetcloud may be the hero of ThunderClan for doing the opposite of saving Flowertail's life (however she did save Silverfern's), but it doesn't mean she's allow everyone to break the rules. If she knew about Falconpaw and Flutterpaw, she would going insane. While her aunt, Cloverstep, did have a RiverClan mate. Maybe breaking the code runs in the family. The worst part about it was, they never had time for Cloverpaw anymore. Thats why she was spending more time with Gingerpaw and Fernpaw. At least, they payed attention to her.

Cloverpaw sighed. I shouldn't meddle, not yet at least.

Then they finally reached Fourtrees and Cloverpaw was blasted with several scents at once. The white and gray she-cat stumbled backwards right into the lovely couple she was just thinking about. She was breathing a bit heavy. "Uh hey Cloverpaw, you alright?" she heard Falconpaw ask as her sister tried to help her up. "I'm completely fine, just tripped over a twig-" she mumbled and shook some soil off of her pelt in a rush to find Fernpaw and Gingerpaw.

"Hey guys, do you know what Clans are here yet?" she panted when she caught up to them. "Hiya, Cloverpaw!" Gingerpaw hopped up and down happily. Fernpaw must've have nodded her head softly. "Yeah, I think RiverClan and ShadowClan are here. Oh, and there's WindClan now!" she meowed.

Cloverpaw assumed that Blossomstar, ShadowClan's leader, Ripplestar, RiverClan's leader, and Thornstar were already on the leader's rock and she sensed a younger cat, it must be Rabbitstar, WindClan's new leader, heading up there as well.

Blossomstar grumbled at the late arrival and shouted out that the Gathering has begun. After Ripplestar and Blossomstar shared their Clan news, Rabbitstar stepped forward. "There have been many rouges attacked WindClan, killing our warriors, taking them prisoner, stealing our pray, and terrorizing us in general. They wear spiked collars. Must be descendants of BloodClan of some sort. I already have gone through two deputies this leaf-fall. They are heading into ThunderClan territory soon, we eavesdropped. WindClan sends ThunderClan a warning. They are small groups and don't exactly know where the camps are however," Rabbitstar bowed his head to Thornstar and Cloverpaw bit back a startled mew. Rouges.

Thornstar heaved a deep breath at that news. "Thank you Rabbitstar. I believe my warrior can handle it. Onto other news, ThunderClan, tonight, is gaining a new medicine cat," he said as Velvetcloud took his place on the rock. Cloverpaw heard Flutterpaw gasp slightly in shocked delight.

"Us medicine cats were unable to be together at the Moonstone, so we decided it would be best to welcome are new medicine cat at the gathering. Falconpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" Cloverpaw knew Falconpaw was hesitating. Because of Flutterpaw. "I-it is," he finally sighed. "Then come forward." Falconpaw stepped forward. 

"Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will," Velvetcloud held her head up high towards the stars and the full moon. "Falconpaw's full medicine cat name will be Falconblink. Falconblink shall receive his dream at the Moonstone later tonight."

"Falconblink! Falconblink! Falconblink!" ThunderClan cheered. Cloverpaw heard Flutterpaw cheer as well. But now Falconblink is a full medicine cat. They could definitely not be mates. But will he still have time for her warrior apprentice sister?

How can he still love her?


YAY I FINISHED CHAPTER 5!!! Thanks to Tani's and Dapple's help with prefixes, I finally was able to decide Falconblink's medicine cat name!

For chapter 6 Im going to do a huge time skip to the very, very end of leaf-fall so look out of that!

Hope you guys enjoyed another chapter!!!




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