10|Back to school

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Mads POV

It has been about a month since everything happed, we are going back to school/California today (their all going to be seniors except Dixie and Noah because their in college)

Jaden and I are still getting hate but it's been getting better, Charli and Chase have been on and off for a really long time and nobody thinks there gonna last and longer but who knows (ok let's pretend that Charli and Chase left the island before everyone else somehow)

I am so excited to go back, I just finished packing

Jaden: Ready babe?

Mads: Yep I'm so excited to get back-

I froze

Jaden: Baby what's wrong?

Mads: Remember before the summer we made sure the you, me, Charli, and Chase were all going to have the same classes together?

Jaden: Noo! Well at least we'll have each other

Mads: Yeah and I bet I might ever have classes with Nessa too

Jaden: Let's go

After everyone finished packing we went to the airport and got on the jet

Jaden: This jet bring back good memories

Mads: Ugh Jaden why did you have to say that

Jaden: Sorry but it's true

We arrived at California and all went home, but Jaden came to my house, I walked into my room disgusted

Mads: All theses pictures of me and Chase are gonna make me throw up

Jaden: This is why I don't put pictures of people that I've dated in my room

Mads: What about me?

Jaden: Ehh

I rolled my eyes and started taking down the pictures and throwing them in the trash, once I was finished I plopped onto my bed and Jaden plopped right next to me

Jaden: Can we fuck till morning?

I looked at him weirdly

Jaden: What, can we?

Mads: We have school tomorrow babe

Jaden: Aww that's sucks

Mads: Its ok baby now let's sleep

Jaden instantly fell asleep, but I was up wondering how we were gonna have to deal with Chase and Charli, but that's tomorrow problem


Jaden: Baby we're gonna be late hurry

I woke up by Jaden yelling at me

Mads: Ok, ok I'm up

I got ready and wore this:

I got ready and wore this:

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(Purr 😻)

Jaden: Damn baby girl you look hot

I blushed and did a little spin

Mads: Thanks let's go

We got into my Tesla and drove to school

(I know their like kinda famous so they go to a private school that not many people know of so yeah)

We walked into the school and got our schedules

My schedule
Computer Class
Free Period

And Jaden's schedule was the same

Jaden: ima go to my locker first and I'll meet you in math k?

Mads: ok bye

I gave him a kiss and headed to my locker

Avani, Nessa, Mine, and Addison's lockers were all in one row, and Charli's is where mine is but on the other side of the hallway

Nessa: I'm so happy all our locker are next to each other

Avani: I know this year will be so much fun

I saw at the corner of my eye Chase walking Charli to her locker, I couldn't help but laugh because even with the surgery, her nose still looked like shit

Addison: Mads, stop

Charli: You know what, laugh, your lucky I wasn't able to sue you

Mads: Ok even if you did sue it wouldn't make a difference, I would still be rich

Charli: Whatever let's go Chase

Mads: Ugh I hate her so much

Addison: It'll get better

Nessa: Yeah, your have friends and she doesn't sooo sucks for her

Oh Nessa she always has something funny to say

I said goodbye to the girls and went to math and sat down next to Jaden

Jaden: Did something happen baby you look pissed?

Mads: Charli happened

Charli: I can hear you Mads

Mads: Um shouldn't you be sitting with Chase?

Charli: No he broke up with me because he thought I was obsessing over you again, but I'll get him back later today

Mads: Like two seconds ago he broke up with you

Charli: Yeah

Her eyes started to water, Jaden and I looked at her weirdly, toxic af

The day was going great until lunch, Jaden and chase where fighting in the cafeteria, blood was on the floor and a whole crowd of people were around them

Yeah, maybe school isn't for me

(Imagine getting into a fight on the first day of school smh 🤦‍♀️, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT 🥺, MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁😁😁😁, 732 words)

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