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Liked by lilhuddy, charlidamelio, user4, and 2,478,373 others

Jaden Hossler commented this under Nessa post with Mads, people think he was talking about Mads because they weren't at lunch with everyone else! Do you think there cheating! 👀

user4 see I thought he was dating Charli WTF

user5 I knew this was gonna happen

user6 Ok but like why do I ship them omg 🙈
user7 Ikr like I feel so bad tho

user8 Mads is such a hoe what's wrong with her

user9 Imagine their friends when the see this like will they have to pick sids or...
user10dunkin123 They better be on Charli's side

Fuck Jaden why do you have to be so obvious

Chase and Charli: What the hell is this guys!?!

Mads: Umm

Jaden: What's what?

Charli: Why did you comment "mmm" under Nessa post with Mads!?

I saw tears forming in her eyes, I'm such a bad friend

Jaden: Uhhh

Chase: And what were you guys doing today when we left for lunch, doing your "surprise for Charli"

Jaden: No we fucked, duh

Mads: Jaden what the hell!

Chase ran up to him and punched him in the face, and then Jaden pushed him to the ground, but luckily Bryce stopped them

Bryce: Hey, hey, hey chill out

Chase: How the fuck do you expect me to chill out, Jaden is a horrible friend, and Mads is a DUMB SLUT!!

He looked right at me and ran out the front door, I started to cry he was right, I am a dumb slut

Jaden's POV

Right as Chase ran out the door, I looked over at Charli, she was crying, Addison and Avani were comforting her, Mads was crying too and I felt even more hurt, What the heck, I just ran out the back door onto the beach

Charlie's POV

I was so hurt, how could Jaden and Mads do this to me, I was just happy that I had my actual besties by my side

Mads POV

I ran up to my room, I felt like shit, ugh why did this have to happen

(This chapter was very intense 😬, y'all better be voting I know your not, anyways byee follow me please and tell me if you have any ideas 354 words)

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