18|Finally Free

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I got home and went to my kitchen to get a snack. I sat on my couch waiting for Jaden to burst through the door, and he did

Jaden: Baby please don't break up with me I swear she was all over me I couldn't do any

He said that while crying, aww I feel bad now

Mads: I know

Jaden: What?! You knew?!

Mads: Yeah, I saw her stalking us last night and I knew she was gonna try something, and when I saw her with you I had to be clueless and pretend to be mad at you and break up with you

Jaden: Wow, your a really good actor, but why didn't you tell me that you saw her

Mads: Because if I told you then you would have to do some acting too and your not the best at that

Jaden: Ouch

Mads: Sorry, truth hurts

I gave him a big hug and we sat down on the couch

Jaden: So now what do we do?

Mads: We relaxed because we have nothing to worry about

It's amazing. Jaden and I are finally ok, we've been through a lot but we've found our way back, it might not be the perfect relationship but it's good enough for us, we love each and that's all that matters, I can't wait to see what's in store for us, but no matter what, we will always have each other. I love you Jaden

The End

Or not?

(Just kidding lol 😝, Thanks for reading 📖, I don't know if I'm making a second book since this one was not that long I'll have to think about it, I really hope that everyone enjoyed reading this book, I spent a lot of time on it, I love each and everyone one of you, BYE LOVE'S 💕, 248 words)

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