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Mads: What do you want Jaden?

Jaden: You look sick

Mads: Well maybe that's because we had sex and Chase and Charli still don't know

Jaden: Don't act like you didn't have fun

He smirked and leaned over to kiss me, but I quickly pushed him back, and Chase came over

Chase: What's going on over here

Mads: Umm nothing

Jaden: We were just discussing our surprise for Charli

Mads: Yeah

I went along with it even though I didn't want to

Chase: Well we were about go out for lunch

Mads: I'll stay here I'm not feeling too well

Now that was actually true

Chase: Oh, I can stay back with you

I smiled

Jaden: Actually it's ok you can go I'll stay with her, that'll give us some time to do our surprise for Charli

I gave him a dirty look, ugh

Chase: Alright bye

Everyone left so it was just me and Jaden, I was about to go shower because I was feeling really sick, and Jaden walked in

Mads: Ahhh Jaden!

I dropped my towel

Mads: Oh my gosh get out!

Jaden: Nothing I haven't seen before

Mads: Ugh why are you here

Jaden: I want you

He came over to me and grabbed my face

Mads: We can't do this again Jaden

Jaden: But you want to

He was right, I wanted him so bad, I jumped onto him and started kissing him, shit

He threw me on the bed and took of all his clothes, he got on top of me and started kissing my neck, he moved down to my boobs and sucked on them, Mmm I moaned, he went further down and kissed my clit, he put his tongue in and explored my pussy

Mads: Daddy I'm cumming

Jaden: Yes baby

I release in his mouth, and he flipped us over

Jaden: Suck. Now.

I grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth, he grabbed my hair in a ponytail and pushed it up and down, I was gagging and he was groaning

Soon after, I sat on his lap and put his dick at my entrance

Jaden: Ride me baby

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