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Mads POV

Jaden and Chase were still fighting, I was so angry and upset, why are they fighting, and then Nessa interrupted my thoughts

Nessa: Mads do something!

Mads: I don't know what to do

I started crying

Nessa: Come on Mads your the only one that can stop this

She was right, I pushed Jaden off of Chase and he looked at me, his face was burning red and he had this angry look on his face that I've never seen before

Mads: Jaden what are you doing?!?

Jaden: Ask the little bastard

He walked out the cafeteria and went who knows where, I looked down at Chase and he was crying but also really mad, I couldn't take it anymore, I ran out the front door and got in my car, I drove home, changed into comfy clothes and watched tv

Jaden's POV

I went to my locker and punched it, I'm such a dick and Mads is so mad at me, just wait till she finds out that Chase was telling his new friends how much of a slut Mads is

I heard the speaker thing beep and I got called down to the office, I went in and saw Chase sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his head, the principal was talking to us about how bad it is to fight and a bunch of other dumb shit

Principal: Jaden you are suspended for the rest of the week and will have to do your work online, and Chase will go home for the rest of the day and will come back tomorrow

I heard Chase snicker

Jaden: How the fuck is that fair he was talking bad about my girl

Principal: Do you want me to move it up to two weeks Mr. Hossler?

Jaden: Whatever I'm going this is bullshit

I looked in the parking lot and didn't see Mads car, did she leave, I started walking ugh

Chase's POV

Jaden walk out the door very mad, but I don't even care, he stole my girl and now he has to pay the price for it, I'm only with Charli for sex and because I don't want people to think that I haven't moved on

Mads POV

I was watching tv for about an hour and I heard to doorbell ring

Mads: Jaden go away

Jaden: Please Mads listen to me

Mads: No!

How could he expect me to listen to him after fighting Chase, but I open the door anyways

Mads: What

Jaden: You have to listen, Chase was telling his friends that you a slut and I just got so angry

Mads: Wow Jaden I can't believe that you would do that for me

Jaden: Of course I would Mads I love you


Jaden: Mads

He came closer to me

Jaden: I love you

Mads: I love you too Jay

I jumped in his arms and kissed him, I was so happy to with the love of my life, he means so much to me and nobody can change that, not Chase not Charli nobody

Jaden: I think this would be a good time to tell you that I'm suspended for the rest of the week

Mads: It's the first day of senior year and your already suspended

Jaden: Hey, don't be rude

Mads: Ok then, now let's cuddle

(Aww so cute ☺️, I hope this chapter wasn't too short for y'all, MAKE SURE TO VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASEEEEEEEE, I was listening to my Jaden Hossler playlist while writing this because well duh, bye loves💕💕💕568 words)

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