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Liked by user4, user10dunkin123, and 2,369,014 others

Jaden, Mads, Charli, and Chase posted these pictures today, now let's get into them:

So it looks like Mads and Jaden went on a date, and it has been confirmed by Charli and Chase that Jaden and Mads did cheat, and it looks like Addison and probably the other girls are still friends with Mads, what do we think about this 👀☕️

user4 Can't say that I'm surprised
user1 Same

user2 This tiktok drama should be a reality TV show
user3 Omg that would be so funny😆

user5 Uno reverse card??

user6 Mads is such a bitch, I bet she paid everyone else to still be friends with her
user10dunkin123 Ikr I hate her so much

user9 I don't really care about Charli she deserves it lol

Mads POV

I got so tired of all the drama, I went downstairs to get a snack

As I was getting some chips Jaden came behind me and put his hands around my waist

Mads: Jaden what are you doing?

Jaden: Your just look so sexy right now

Nessa: You two are gonna make me barf

We all laughed

Josh: So where are we gonna put Chase and Charli's things?

I totally forgot about that, where did they go last night, what did they do today

Jaden: Mads?

Mads: Uh I don't know

Avani: maybe we should burn them

Bryce: Yeah that's a great idea

Jaden: we can't burn them, well I would love to but their still gonna have to go back to LA with us

Jaden was right, even if we don't wanna see each other, they have no other way to get back, buuuuuuut

Mads: We can just leave them

Everyone looked at me like I was a crazy person

Addison: Anywaysssss I'm going to bed

With that everyone was making there way to bed, and as I was about to go to sleep, Jaden came into my room

Mads: Jaden what are you doing here?

Jaden: I can't sleep with my baby

He jumped on top of me and started kissing me, I pushed him off and got on top of him, we started making out for about two minutes and then I tugged on his shirt hinting that he should take it off, he took off his shirt and I took off mine, I gave him hickies on his neck and moved down to his pants, I took them off and pulled his underwear down and his dick flew out and hit his lower stomach, I look up at him then back at his dick, Go ahead baby, I know you want it, he smirked, with that I took and shoved it in my mouth, he groaned loudly and bobbed my head up and down, That's good baby, now let me torture you, What, Why do you want to torture me daddy, I said innocently, BECAUSE I CAN, he picked me up and got on top off me, Back to where we started daddy? I smirked, he sick was dangling over me entrance, Do it daddy, I demanded, Alright baby your gonna regret saying that, he started pounding into me without stopping, my nails were digging into his back leaving marks, I'm gonna cum baby. Me too daddy, we both cummed and laid next to each other catching our breaths

Jaden: So I was thinking-

Someone started banging on the front door

Mads: Who is that

Jaden: I don't know let's go see

We quickly put on our clothes and ran to the door, and there we saw them

You know who


(Ok so I need to tell you guys something really important, so let's pretend that Dixie went to college with Noah or whatever so they didn't go to the private island, and Im saying this because it's weird if Dixie is just with Charli all the time and Noah is friends with the sway boys and yeah, so Dixie and Noah are just not here, this Is probably the longest chapter I've written so far, and I'm not very good with smuts as you can tell sorry 😞, and I'm sorry if my updates get a little slow my mom threatened to flush my phone down the toilet ugh mother's 😒, BYEEE LOVES💕💕💕,
602 words)

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