9|Its Just The Beginning

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Mads POV

Jaden opened the door and we saw Charli and Chase

Mads: Eww, why are you guys here?

Chase: I'm just here to get me and my NEW girlfriends things

Jaden and I snickered

Charli: What, jealous?

She hissed

Jaden: It's just funny that you guys are dating right after you both got cheated on

Chase: Doesn't matter we're gonna make it official today

Mads: Not before we do!

I quickly shut the door hitting Charli's fat ass nose and went to go get my phone, I took a picture with Jaden and posted it on Instagram:

I quickly shut the door hitting Charli's fat ass nose and went to go get my phone, I took a picture with Jaden and posted it on Instagram:

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(I couldn't find any other good picture so let's just recycle💅)

Liked by jadenhossler, user4, and 256,147 others

@madslewis I am so proud to call you my boyfriend 🥰🥰🥰 @jadenhossler

jadenhossler Yess baby 😍

I quickly checked if Chase or Charli posted anything, good thing they didn't

Jaden: Phew

Mads: I know right, now let's go to sleep baby

We rushed off to bed awaiting for what the public would say about us

The next morning I got ready and wore this:

The next morning I got ready and wore this:

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(She's so pretty 😍)

I went downstairs and Bryce came up to me

Bryce: Yo, did you beat the fuck out of Charli!!!

Jaden: What the hell man

Bryce: Look at this post

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Liked by lilhuddy, user4, and 3,485,017 others

Probably getting surgery and suing Mads 🥲👍

user10dunkin123 NO. FUCKING. WAY!!
charlidamelio Yep

user4 Is this why Mads and Jaden made it official last night

user9 Nobody cares get RAPED

user11 Um how the fuck did you only get hurt on your nose???

user12 Mads is a psychopath

user13 Aww I feel so bad, Mads is a hoar

user14 How the hell did this happen


Ugh my reputation is ruined

Mads: I don't even care anymore, everyone hates me and I can't do anything about it

Jaden: It's ok babe

He put his arm around me and hugged me, everyone looked at us shocked

Anthony: Babe???

Mads: Oh um yeah we're officially dating

Nessa: OMG yes when are you gonna tell the public!!!

Jaden: We kinda already did

Josh: What, how?!?

Mads: Well Charli and Chase came by last night to get their stuff, and they also said that they we're gonna make it official but Jaden and I beat them to it

Avani: Wow

Jaden: Yeah


(Hey guys I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday I was really busy, I might be taking a break from this story to work on another one but I don't know, lmk if this story is getting to boring, please vote and comment it always makes my day, BYEE LOVES 💕💕, 410 words)

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