16|The Bitch

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Mads POV

No fucking way, why the hell is Madi here, no one likes her

Mads: Get the fuck out of here bitch

Madi: Well that's not a nice way to greet someone, I thought you guys would miss me. Especially you Mads

Nessa: Nobody here fucking misses you

Avani: You hurt Mads and that's unforgivable

Madi: I hurt her?!? I got fucking jumped and almost died! And like I said in my tweet this isn't over, I will ruin you Mads!!

And with that she stormed off

Charli: I swear if she try's something

Mads: It's fine, that's exactly what she wants. She wants us to be so mad and give her all the attention, she isn't going to do anything, I'm pretty sure she learn her lesson from last time

Nessa: Yeah your right she knows not to mess with us

*After school, at Mads house*

Jaden: Babe?

Mads: Yeah

Jaden: I was kinda thinking about something earlier

Mads: What

Jaden: I know you might have a lot to worry about with Madi and everything that happened recently

Mads: Yeah I know

Jaden: But we've never really done anything like you know...

Mads: What?

Jaden: Like what couples do when they are happy I guess

Mads: You sound really cute right now

Jaden: Oh really, I'll show you something that isn't cute

He picked me up and carried me to my bed. He me down gently and kissed my neck, then took off my shirt and bra massaging and sucking my boobs. He moved down my stomach and put his fingers in my pants seeing how wet I was

Jaden: Your so wet, and it's all just for me

Mads: Jaden please eat me out

Jaden: If you say so

He took off my pants and underwear and put his face in between my legs. I felt hot breath over my entrance making my moan. He put his tongue inside me swirling it around slowly

Mads: Go faster Jaden

He took his tongue out and bit my inner thigh

Jaden: Wrong name princess

Mads: Daddy

He shoved his tongue back inside me going faster and deeper

Mads: I'm gonna cum daddy

Jaden: Not yet

He continued to eat me out and I bit my lip trying not to cum, but I released inside his mouth. He got up and put his mouth next to my ear

Jaden: You didn't listen so your getting punished

He flipped my over so that my ass was out and my back was arched. I heard him taking off his clothes and he slammed his dick inside me and I screamed. He went faster and faster, the bed was shaking and so were my legs uncontrollably. Everything time I moaned he slapped my ass

Jaden: I'm cumming

Mads: Same

We cummed and laid down on the bed, I looked over at him and he was smirking

Mads: What

Jaden: I've never heard you scream that loud before

Mads: Well that's your fault

Jaden: So do you wanna go on a date tomorrow

Mads: We have school babe

Jaden: Can we skipped please

Mads: Fine

I kissed him and in the corner of my eye I think I saw Madi outside my window. But when I stopped kissing him no one was there

Jaden: Are you ok

Mads: Yep

I had an idea

(Ok this is my first time writing a sumt in a while so I'm sorry if it's a little sloppy 😬, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, bye love's 💕, 558 words)

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