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Girls I have something tell you  about Jaden

What's ups

Yeah what happened with Jaden?

I swear if he did something to you

Chill out he said that he loved me

Did you say it back?

Girl I-

Of course she said it back

I'm so happy girls😁



Charli could NEVER

🙄 but thanks


Mads POV

I was so happy that Jaden said he loved me, but he is suspended for a week, but a least I'll be able to hang out with him after school, I put my phone down and went to bed

I woke up, took a shower and wore black ripped jeans with a white crop top and white Air Force's, I made bacon and eggs as breakfast, with a smoothie on the side, after I finished breakfast I went outside to my car, but Jaden was already out there with his car

Mads: I thought you were suspended

Jaden: I know but I want to spend as much time with you as I can

Mads: Ok

I got in the passenger seat and kissed him

Jaden: What do want to do after school

Mads: Date?

Jaden: Sure what time do you want my to pick you up?

Mads: 4:30

Jaden: alright

We got to school, I said bye and walked to my locker

Mads: Hey bitches

Addison: Hii

Nessa: hi

Avani: Hey

Mads: So later today-

Charli: Hey guys guess who just got back together with Chase

Nessa: Nobody cares dumb bitch

Mads: Yeah were not friends with you anymore so go away

She left

Avani: Why can't she leave us alone

Nessa: I have no idea

Addison: Well I got to go so bye

We all said bye and went to our classes, they were all pretty boring because Jaden wasn't here with me and Chase and Charli kept flirting, at lunch Chase bumped into and I think he put something in my drink but I didn't really think too much about it, after school I was waiting for Jaden to pick me up, but I started to get really dizzy, I was about to fall until I felt someone pick me up and put me in a car


Next thing you know I was getting my clothes removed, I felt someone's dick dangling over me and forced inside my mouth, when I realized it was Chase I tried getting up but he grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head making sure that I couldn't move. He pulled down my jeans and forced himself into me. He covered my mouth with his other hand so I had no control

Jaden's POV

I got school to pick up Mads but she wasn't there, I figured that she was already home getting ready so I went home and got ready too, at 4:15 I left to go pick her up but she was not at her house, so I checked her location and she was at Chase's house, I quickly got in my car and drove to his house, why is she there, is she cheating, no way she said she loves me, I ran into his house and started looking for Mads, I heard muffled screams coming from upstairs so I ran into his room and saw him naked on top of Mads, I pushed him off of her knocking him out, went over to Mads

Jaden: Baby are you ok?

Mads: n-no he r-r-raped me

She was crying so I cleaned her up and carried her to my car

Jaden: Don't worry baby I'll fixing this

(Poor Mads 😔, I'm really sorry for the late update, but happy new year 🎊🎆🎈, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASEEEEEEE 🙏🙏🙏, bye loves, 589 words)

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