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*Your are currently sitting on top of Chase in you bed.*

Chase: So babe what are planning to do for the summer?

Mads: All of us are going to spend the summer on my private island

Chase: Ok baby

He sat up and started kissing me, and that lead to us making out.

Charli: Hey Mads are we taking your private-

She cut off when she saw us making out.

Mads: Umm yeah what do you need? I said embarrassed

Charli: Soooooooo are we taking your private jet to the island?

Mads: Oh yeah of course

Charli: Well ima go talk to Jaden and let you guys do whatever you were doing

I frowned when she said Jaden, we have known each other for a long time. I even introduce Charli to him when she falling for him, I think I might have feelings for him, but I would never do that to Charli or Chase.

*In your living room*

Mads: So who's is ready?

Chase, Charli, Jaden, Nesss, Josh, Dixie, Noah, Addison, Bryce, Avani, and Anthony all said yes.

Noah: Which car are we all going in?

Mads: We're going in the limo.

Everyone started cheering.

(205 words please vote 🥺, sorry for the short chapter 😬, things are about to get juicy 😏😏😏)

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