Dead by morning (Anne Gillette)

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[For those who don't know, Anne Gillette is a character played by Sarah Paulson in Law and Order SVU. I haven't watched the show or the episodes she is in so what I am writing may not be 100% true.]

Anne. Anne Gillette. The name of my girlfriend. She was beautiful, beyond beautiful. Her short blonde hair was always perfectly styled and her light smoky eye makeup made her deep, chocolate coloured pupils pop. Her plump, natural lips were always coated in a soft pink shade of lipstick.

Although my girlfriend had no physical flaws, she certainly had a few personality flaws. For example, she was always extremely possessive of me, if someone even looked at me for a little bit longer than a few seconds, she would flip. Another example would be that sometimes she could be quite crazy and oh did I forget to mention the fact that she once stole $3.5 million. Yep you read that right, $3.5 million.

I had found out about that on a Tuesday after work. I was a little shocked but not at the fact that she done it, but at how much she actually stole. Part of me was expecting her to have done something illegal, she seemed like the sort of person.

It was now Thursday after work. I had decided to stay with Anne even though she was a huge thief. I loved her a lot, some would say maybe even too much. Me and Anne were in the middle of a sex session, something we had been doing a lot recently.

"Fuck baby I'm close." I moan out as my lover quickens the pace of her fingers thrusting in out of me. Anne's spare hand made its way up to my throat and she wrapped her fingers around it, gently squeezing at first. This was one of Anne's favourite kinks. I didn't mind the choking, it turned me on, but this time it was different. She was different.

As my moans grew louder, Anne's grip on my throat grew stronger and my ability to breath lessened. I started to worry, she had never gone this far before. Her fingers were still pumping in and out of me. Grabbing her wrist, I tired to pull her hand off of me. This only made a devilish grin appear on Anne's face.

"Anne...I can't...breath." I managed to say through moans and loss of oxygen. "That's the whole point sweetheart," she replied innocently, "I can't have you alive now that you know what I stole, you could tell someone and I can't go to prison."

I was in total shock. My heart, if it was still beating, dropped to the pit of my stomach. She was going to kill me. Anne was going to kill me. My fucking girlfriend, whom you had been with for around a year now and who I always stood by no matter what, was going to kill me. Even after she admitted to stealing the money, I still stayed with her. I didn't leave her like everyone else seemed to do. I stayed and she was repaying me by trying to kill me.

Her fingers had stopped doing magic in my core and her spare hand was playing with my breasts as she smiled down at me evilly. I was near to passing out. "I'll be dead by morning." I thought to myself as I felt the blood gushing around in my head. Anne seemed to be distracted by my breasts so I took this moment to try and escape from the psychotic grip of my girlfriends hand.

I used all your strength to push Anne backwards onto the bed with my hands. Quickly, I gasped for air before straddling my girlfriend and pinning her arms down to the bed so she wouldn't be able to move.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream at her, tears start to roll down my cheeks. "I told you I didn't care that you stole that money and that I love you but you choose to ignore my words and decide to fucking kill me instead?!" I was so angry that I didn't even realise how tight my grip on Anne's arms were until she said something.

"Y/n your hurting me, stop." She shouted. I was hurting her? Really? So it was okay for her to nearly choke me to death but when I defend myself, that wasn't okay? "Please baby stop I'm sorry I just didn't want you to leave me for someone else, I can't live knowing you'd be happy with someone else."

So that was her excuse for nearly killing me. She just couldn't live knowing I could be with someone else. That was sweet. Wait what no. She just tried killing me, I can't sympathise with her. But oh she's too cute.

Letting go of her arms, I get off of her and sit back down on the bed. "Sorry." I mumble. Wait why am I sorry? She was the one who tried to murder me.

"Y/n I'm sorry, I thought it was the only way, I'm truly sorry." Anne almost whispered, as if too afraid her voice would break if she spoke any louder.

"I never said anything about leaving you, even after you told me what you'd done I still chose to stay with you because I love you Anne and I don't wanna be without you." Where was this coming from? She'd just tried to kill me and I'm here telling her how much I love her. This woman really did something to me.

"I love you too y/n, more than you'll ever know." Anne had now regained her voice properly and moved up the bed to sit next to me. "Can we forget about this and continue our night?" She asked, drawing circles on my exposed thigh. Signing, I nod my head and I was immediately, welcomed by Anne's soft lips on my own. I kissed her back, understanding that the woman next to me had full control over me and there was nothing I could do about it.

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