Miss Howard (Billie Dean-Howard)

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Mrs Howard had been my history teacher for 3 years now. Even though she's an extreme bitch, she's my favourite teacher. Recently, I found out her and her husband were getting a divorce and obviously I was more than happy. Iv had a crush on her for...well forever. Her bitchy attitude and dominant demeanour sort of turned me on in a way.

Today was my first day seeing Mrs Howard since finding out she was getting a divorce and I was nervous. I don't even know why. It's not like she I have any chance of having any sort of relationship with her. 1) she's getting a divorce  2) I'm her student  3) she's wayyy out of my league  4) she's probably not even into women. 4 reasons that were signs she would not like me back, yet I keep on hoping.

I was too busy thinking about Mrs Howard that I didn't even realise I was still stood at my locker and everyone around me had disappeared. Looking down at my phone, I see that I am 10 minutes late for my lesson. I'm usually late but never this late. Fuck. As I walk towards the classrooms I see that I have Mrs Howard. Great. She definitely won't let me off.

"Ah Miss y/l/n, nice of you to join us." Her sweet voice rang through the almost silent classroom. If anyone just heard her voice, they'd think she was the sweetest soul on the planet but don't let her soft voice fool you. "Sorry I didn't realise what time it was." I say not meeting her eyes and heading to the empty seat at the back of the classroom. "Where do you think you're going? You can sit right here in front of my desk since you're late." Rolling my eyes, I turn around and drag myself to the front of the classroom and sit down right in front of Mrs Howard.

For the first time, I look at her to see she is wearing a well fitted black pantsuit with black Louboutin heels. She looked so hot. She had a black lace bodysuit on under the blazer which exposed the swell of her small but perfect breasts. I move my eyesight up to her face to make sure she isn't looking at me and I take in the rest of her. A beaded pearl necklace hung from her neck and two quite big pearl earrings clung to be ears, her dirty blonde hair was curled and stuck in the perfect position and nails bore a lighter shade of hot pink acrylics. She looked amazing. I moved my eyes down to the swell of her breasts again. They looked so prefect, from what I could see. My thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Looking up, I see that Mrs Howard was looking at me with a slight smirk on her face. My cheeks flush red when I realise she'd probably seen my staring at the top of her breasts.

The rest of the lesson went...ok. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mrs Howard when she was teaching. She bent down to her desk a few times, causing her breasts to hang down a bit and I couldn't stop myself from looking. I swear she was doing it on purpose because every time I did it, she would catch me looking and smirk at me. Thankfully, the bell rang to mark the end of the lesson but before I could even reach the door, the angelic voice of Mrs Howard could be heard "y/n sweetheart can you stay behind please?" Great, just great. I don't know how I'm going to concentrate properly whilst she is wearing that outfit, especially since it's just the two of us.

I walk back to the front of the classroom and sit down on the desk in front of hers. "Did you enjoy staring at me all lesson y/n?" Her question caught me off guard. "I urm." I didn't know what to say. Mrs Howard slowly moved from behind her desk and came to halt, stood so close to me that if she moved any closer, our bodies would be touching. Gulping, I look up into her big brown eyes. Being taller than me, she looks down at me and waits for my answer. "Well?" She presses. "I was admiring your..urm your outfit." I finally spat out. "Oh my outfit? I thought you liked me or something? Guess I was wrong."

"Mrs Howard?" I spoke up as she took a few steps back and lent against her desk. "It's Miss Howard now darling, but you can call me Billie when we're alone." I looked at her and she smiled softly. "Urm Billie, then." She nodded for me to continue. "Was there a specific reason you asked me to stay behind?"
Miss Howard looked at me for a minute or so before finally answering. "Well I noticed you staring at me all lesson and honestly I thought you had a little crush on me." She said, a faint smirk forming on her lips. "I can't tell her I like her, she seems to already know but I can't tell her it's wrong, she's my teacher." I think to myself.

"That would be wrong wouldn't it? A student liking a teacher I mean." I stated, but it came out as more of a question. Honestly I just wanted to know if she felt the same.

"It's only wrong if someone finds out." Billie said, staring straight into my eyes.

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