Miss Howard II (Billie Dean-Howard)

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I was taken back by what Billie had just said. I didn't know how to respond. Billie moved closer to me again so she was standing right in front of me. "Stand up, my desks aren't your seat." She said. I was waiting for her to move back so we wouldn't be touching when I stood up but she didn't. She just stayed there. "Am I talking to myself? Stand up I said." I quickly jumped up, almost falling over from the lack of space I had. Luckily, Billie took a hold of me and steadied me on my feet. Our bodies were practically stuck together. I could I feel her warm breath on my face. Her hands were placed under my armpits but they moved down to my waist. This action alone caused a million butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "I guess it would only be wrong if we get caught." I finally replied, still looking up into her beautiful eyes. "We?" She questioned, slightly raising her eyebrow. "Oh no did I say we? Oh god now she definitely knows I like her." I must have changed my facial expression as Billie let out a small giggle, something that I'd never heard before. "I'm sorry Billie I didn't mean we I meant-" my words were cut off by Billies soft lips pressed against mine. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to pump out of my chest. Billie wrapped her arms around my waist, deepening the kiss. My hands made their way up to her face and I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me. I was feeling a thousand different emotions at once.

We must've been kissing for a while as suddenly, there was a loud knock on Billies classroom door. Startled, me and Billie pushed away from each other, causing me to fall back into the desk and scrape my leg. The door opened and Mr Bit, my maths teacher, walked in. "Everything okay here?" He asked, never taking his eyes off of Billie. It was so obvious he liked her. It made me sick. "Yes sorry, y/n and I were just talking about today's lesson as she missed some of it this morning." Billie quickly replied. Mr Bit tore his gaze away from Billie and looked at me and then down to my leg which was now bleeding. "Better get that seen to y/n." He said, looking back up to me. "Yes I will," I replied, picking my bag up from the floor "See you tomorrow Miss Howard." I say to Billie before scurrying out of the classroom. I stop at the door to look at Billie one more time. She gave me a small smile and I smiled back before heading to the nurses office.

I was so happy. Miss Howard actually likes me. I never thought that'd ever come true. That was the best kiss I have ever had.

After the nurse had cleaned my leg up, I headed to my last lesson which was Art. I handed my late note from the nurse to Mr Pine. He looked at it and rolled his eyes before gesturing for me to go sit down. For the rest of the lesson, all I could think about was the event that took place in Miss Howard's classroom.

The bell rang, causing everyone to quickly stand up and hurry out of the room. It was the end of the day and I was so ready to go home. Before I got out the front doors of the school, I realised I'd left my homework in my locker so I turned round to go back and get it. My locker was near Miss Howard's class room, on the other side of the school.

I unlocked the door and took my homework out, shoving it in my bag. I then turned back around and headed down the corridor. A door next to me swung open as I was walking, frightening me. I let out a small squeal. I looked to see that it was Miss Howard. "Sorry y/n, I didn't mean to scare you." She laughed. "I'm glad you found it funny." I say, sarcastically. Miss Howard walked down the corridor with me. We didn't talk. I didn't know what to say to her.

When we got to the front doors we discovered it had started raining. Great. I didn't wear a bra today as they were all in the wash. Just my luck. I hadn't brought a jacket either because it was supposed to warm, dry weather all day.

I folded my arms to try and keep them warm and headed out into the rain. No longer than 5 minutes later I was completely wet through. My nipples were protruding out and my shirt was almost see through.

As I was walking, a car pulled up next to me and rolled its window down to reveal Miss Howard. "GET IN." she shouted to me. "IM." I shouted back and continued to walk. I obviously would've loved to get in but I felt bad and didn't want her to go out of her way. She carried on driving in front of me but stopped. Her door swung open and she ran round the car onto the path just where I was about to walk. "Just get in the car you're going to get a cold." She said, rain water dripping all over her. I rolled my eyes and opened the passenger door as she ran back around the car and got in.

Billie took her blazer off, throwing it into the back seat. I couldn't take my eyes off of her exposed breast. I unknowingly bit down on my lower lip. "What are you staring at?" Billie laughed. "Oh nothing." I lied, looking away so she couldn't see my clearly embarrassed face. "Do you not own bras y/n?" She asked. I was confused as to what she meant but when I followed her gaze to my breasts, I understood. I quickly folded my arms to hide them, getting embarrassed again. "Don't be embarrassed sweetheart," Billie said, unfolding my arms, "here I'll do the same." She reached down the back of her top, unclipping her bra and pulling it off, throwing it in the back seat along with her blazer. "Now we're the same." She beamed and set off driving.

I have to admit I stared at Billie's nipples the entire drive home and I'm pretty sure she caught on. I was kind of upset when the car stopped in front of my house. I turned my head to face Billie.
"Thank you for the lift." I smiled at her. "It's okay sweetheart." She replied, placing her hand on mine. We kept eye contact for a moment before she leant forward and kissed me. Her tongue slid along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly to allow it to enter. My phone pinged, interrupting the kiss and I looked down to see that my mum had messaged me. "Iv got to go." I sighed. Billie gave me a sorry look and leant over giving me one last kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow y/n." I smiled at her and got out of the car. I ran to the door and waved to Billie before she drove off.

I was going to make this into a book but iv got like 1000 other books/one shots started already and iv got 50,000 ideas at once so I don't think starting a new one right now is the best idea, however I may in the future!

Sarah Paulson One shots (Sarah + characters x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now