Look after me (Billie Dean-Howard)

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"Fuck Billie I'm so wet." I moaned as I grind down on her thigh. Billie's plump lips were attacking my neck while her hands clawed at my clothes, dying to take them off. My breath was heavy and my legs began to tire due to the amount of work I was putting in. "Can you help me please, my legs are getting tired." I managed to breath out. "If you use my name then I will." Billie teased. "Can you help me please mommy?" I pouted. Billie grinned up at me as she moved one of her hands under the waistband of my leggings and dipped two fingers into my soaking panties. I began to rock myself against them.

Billie quickly removed her fingers which I really didn't like. "I know why you're so wet." She laughed. I looked down to her fingers to see them covered in blood. I quickly got off of her lap and grabbed a tissue to wipe it off of her. I was so embarrassed. "I'm so sorry." I almost whispered.
Billie stood up, holding her arms out and taking a hold of me to calm me down. "Sweetheart, it's fine," she soothed, "Iv seen periods before, you don't need to me embarrassed and you certainly don't need to be sorry, blood never scares me." She giggled. I gave in and giggled along with her, allowing her to pull me into a warm and needed hug. "Cmon let's get you to bed."

Billie disappeared into her wardrobe and came back out holding her comfiest and my most favourite pair of her pyjamas. She ordered me to sit down on the bed as she carefully took my clothes off and brought me some wipes to clean myself with, a new pair of pants and a pad. I wiped the blood off and put on the pad and pants. I allowed Billie to dress me and then she lead me into the bathroom. She sat me down on the toilet seat. Billie grabbed a makeup wipe and cleaned the light makeup I had on, off and then washed my face with a warm flannel. She then brushed my teeth for me, which I wasn't a big fan of but I let her do it anyways. She took out her brush and gently combed through my hair.

She picked me up, supporting me by my ass, and carried me back into the bedroom. Billie loved to carry me like her baby, she thought it was the best way to look after me, and Billie loved to look after me. I wrapped my arms around her and leant my head on her shoulder as she carried me down the hall. Once in the bedroom she placed me on the bed and I got under the covers as she got changed into her pyjamas, having already done the other things while she was helping me get ready.

Billie switched the bedroom light off, the only source of light now being the few candles dotted around the bedroom. She climbed into bed next to me and shuffled all the way up to me so her front was pressed firmly against my back. Her arm snaked it's way cross my body and I held her hand in mine. I moved my head slightly so I was able to see her. "Thank you Billie." I whispered. "It's okay baby." She whispered back. Billie leant towards me, placing a loving kiss on my lips before I turned my head back. "I love you." "I love you too."

requested by: ImAAlesbiann


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