The woman in the store (Diane Sherman)

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Chloe doesn't exist in this.

The woman in the store had always intrigued me. Her long, curly, ginger hair was always perfect and in place. Her beautiful eyes and smooth skin glowed under the white lights of the store. Every day she would come into the shop, buy food for her evening meal and on a weekend, two bottles of wine. And every day I would serve her. Coincidentally, it was always my shift when she came in, not that I was complaining.

I started to look forward to the older woman coming in. It always made a stressful day with rude and sometimes just stupid customers so much better. I would put all of her items through while we talked about our days and each other.

Today wasn't such a bad day. Friday, 6:23pm and it was still quiet. It had been all day. It wouldn't be long until Diane would be coming in.

The door of the shop opened. I looked up to see the red head. She grabbed a basket and began strolling down the isles.

10 minutes later she approached the counter, smiling sweetly. "Good evening y/n." She laughed. She never greeted me like that. "Good evening m'lady." I laughed with her. I began to scan her things as she took them out. "So iv got something to tell you," I began, "A woman asked me out on a date today." I told her. Diane stopped taking her items out of the basket. The look on her face was as though I had just slapped her. She looked sad and angry at the same time, but she quickly composed herself and unpacked the rest of her things. "How much." She said, bluntly. I was confused as to why she was acting like this with me. She'd never been rude towards me, that's why I like her so much. "Just $28 please." Diane handed over the money and took her receipt before grabbing her bags and rushing out of the store. She never even said goodbye.

I went home, very hurt by the way Diane had treated me and I was still unsure as to what I did to upset her. I had previously took tomorrow off so I decided I would visit her later on in the evening, she'd told me where she lived a few weeks ago and said I could drop by anytime, I just never built up the courage to.

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