Bored (Billie Dean-Howard)

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"Come on just sit down." I whine, trying to pull Billie down onto the sofa. "I'm not watching this shit." She says as she fights against me.

I let out a loud, sarcastic gasp. My hand clutched to my chest as I faked being hurt by her words. I'd been trying to get Billie to watch keeping up with the kardashians with me for days now and every time she had a way to get out of it. However, today she had no escape.

I finally grabbed her and pulled her down onto the sofa. Billie let out a cute giggle as I pinned her arms down and placed myself on top of her. "Just watch it you'll enjoy it." I pleaded with her.

Billie rolled her eyes at me and sighed before agreeing to watch it. I smiled at her and climbed off her to allow her to sit up. Her arm extended out allowing me to snuggle into her before she wrapped it around me, resting her hand on my hip. I smiled as I leant my head into the crook of her neck. She kissed the top of my head. Her spare hand laid on my thigh. I parted my legs slightly so she could slide her hand in between them. Once she was in a comfortable position I closed my legs as she rubbed her thumb over the skin on my leg.

Every so often I would receive a light kiss to the top of my head and I smiled every single time. Once we had watched the episodes I needed to catch up on, I sat up and straddled Billie's lap. Both of her hands were on my hips. "See it wasn't that bad was it." Billie rolled her eyes at me before smirking slightly. "I know something I would've rather been doing." She states. "Oh yea what's that?" I ask, leaning slightly closer to her.

Billie's hands move to my ass before she lifts me up, causing me to let out a small squeal, and carries me to my bedroom. I can guarantee that what she did was way better than any tv show.

Sarah Paulson One shots (Sarah + characters x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now