Warmth (Sarah Paulson)

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Another cold night. Even though I was snuggled up under the thick duvet with my fluffy socks and long sleeved/legged pyjamas on, I was still absolutely freezing.

I was on a ski trip with my girlfriend and her friends. I didn't really want to go as I hated the cold and I couldn't ski but I saw how happy it made my baby and if my baby was happy then so was I.

We were staying in a big, 5 bedroom, log cabin. Me and Sarah, Lily and Hamish, Amanda and David, Leslie and John and Elizabeth. I felt sorry for Liz, she didn't have a partner but I kept her company most of the time as she was my favourite, apart from Sarah of course.

The happy bunch of friends were downstairs playing card games and drinking. As much as I loved drinking, I was too worn out from the day of none stop falling on my arse in the snow so I decided to go straight upstairs and watch a movie in bed.

I was watching a film. Frozen 2 to be exact, how ironic. The bedroom door slowly creeped open and a head popped round the corner of the door. After staring into the darkness for a good few minutes I recognised that it was Liz who was at the door.

"Liz, you can come in you know." I laughed as she made her way over to the bed. "Aren't you warm?" She asked sliding into bed next to me. "No in fact I'm the opposite, I'm absolutely bloody freezing." Liz opened her arms and I knew what she was offering. I slung my arm over her stomach and cuddled into her side. The warmth of her body was soothing but it was nothing compared to the warmth that radiated off of Sarah. That was who I needed the most right now but I didn't want to take her away from having fun with her friends.

As me and Liz were watching the film, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and coming closer to the door. The door opened and another head popped round the door. It was Sarah. When she saw Liz and I cuddled up together, the smile that was plastered on her face dropped slightly. "I'll leave." Liz said as she got out of bed. Once she had left, Sarah closed the door and came over to the bed. "So how come you were cuddling?" Sarah asked. "I was really cold so she offered to cuddle so I would be a bit warmer." I say. "Oh well you could've asked me to come up and cuddle with you baby." Sarah replies smiling at me slightly. "I didn't want to take you away from your friends, you were having fun." Sarah slides into bed and shuffles over so she is sat right next to me. "Come here, I would rather cuddle with you than spend time with my friends." Sarah says, opening her arms for me. I lay my head on her chest and wrap my arms around her body. She wraps her arms around me, holding me close to her. I instantly felt much warmer the before and way more relaxed.

"I love you Sarah."

"I love you too."

Sarah Paulson One shots (Sarah + characters x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now