Mistakes (Cordelia Goode)

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"No Cordelia, I'm done with your bullshit!" I shout, "and I'm done with you.!" I pause and hear my voice echoing through the walls of the Academy. Cordelia takes a step closer to me. "Please baby, please stay, let's figure this out." She says through sobs. She takes one more step closer to me, placing her hand in my upper arm. I instantly remove myself from her touch. "Don't touch me and don't call me baby!" I shout at her again. Salty tears poured from her eyes like a water fall. Before Cordelia could say anything else, I stormed out of the front door and went back to my old apartment.

As soon as I got home, I threw myself onto the sofa and began to cry.

"I'm going out baby, I'll be back soon." Cordelia says, rushing around the bedroom collecting her bag along the way. "Where you going?" I ask. She pauses for a minute before telling me, "just out for a few drinks with Misty." Ah yes Misty. Ever since Misty came back, Cordelia has been obsessed with her. I know they're best friends but cmon, I need at least a bit of attention too. Cordelia seems to give her full attention to Misty and the other girls and barely any time to me anymore. You see I was a witch but I only had small and I didn't really mind about gaining more, I was happy with just the two. As a result of this I didn't go to hardly any classes in the academy, therefor I was on my own most of the day. Anyways, let's get back on track. "Misty huh?" I say innocently. "Um ye, she asked me this morning." It usually wouldn't bother me that they were going out, but no one knew that me and Cordelia had been together for the past 2 months therefor I couldn't get mad at Misty if she was trying to get with Cordelia (I'm not sure if she is or not but they seem to be inseparable, they almost look like a couple). I must've zoned out because by the time I was focused, Cordelia was ready to go. "Okay I'll see you later then." She says, walking up to me and kissing me on the cheek. "Uh ye see you later, have fun." I say, laying on the bed.

It's now 10:30pm and Cordelia still isn't back. She went out at 6:00pm. I didn't want to be that person but it was getting late so I messaged her.

me: hey delia, are you okay? When are you coming home?

Delia💕✨: hi baby, Misty and I are like 10 minutes away hahaha see you soon.

I turned my phone off and headed downstairs into the kitchen to get some crisp as I was hungry. Whilst I was grabbing the crisp out of the cupboard, I heard the front door swing open and people stumbling around. I roll my eyes and close the cupboard, walking out the door with crisp. It was dark so I couldn't really see anything. The door was open so I went to close it, as I neared the front door, I heard muffled talking coming from the living room. I stopped in my tracks and leant my head against the slightly ajar door. I could hear Cordelia's giggling through the door followed by Misty's laugh. "Shhh, you might wake someone." Cordelia whispers. "I'm sorry your just so funny." Misty whispers back. I then hear small movements, I assume that they're moving closer to each other on the sofa. I pushed the door open a bit more and peeped my head around. Luckily Cordelia and Misty didn't see me. As I continued to watch, I saw Misty move even closer to Cordelia, their shoulders and thighs were touching. Anger and sadness started to build up inside of me. Why wasn't Cordelia moving away? I know she's drunk but still. Misty then continued to grab Cordelia's hands. All the sadness that had built up inside me turned into anger. "'Cordelia, I have to tell you something," Misty says, looking into Cordelia's eyes, "I want to be with you." I was so angry right now. I wanted to barge in and scream at them right then but I decided to wait and see what Cordelia did first. "I um.." Cordelia was at a loss for words, "I can't Misty." Was all she could say but before she could actually say anything else, Misty closed the gap between them with her lips. My jaw dropped open completely. I was frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. Cordelia didn't kiss her back but then again she didn't push her away until I swung the door open. Cordelia's head span around that quick that I thought her head would snap off. I was just stood in the doorway, my jaw still hanging open. "Y/n, oh my god." Cordelia says rushing up to me. She tries to grab my arms but I push her off of me. Meanwhile, Misty stands up and sneaks past me and goes upstairs. Tears started to escape my eyes. I run out of the room and head towards the front door. "Baby, don't go please, It's not what it looked like." Cordelia begs. I couldn't believe her. "No Cordelia I won't stay, I'm so fed up of this." I spit at her. Her face is stained with tears. "Please y/n, I didn't kiss her she kissed me, I told her I couldn't." She explains. "Yes I know you didn't kiss her but when she kissed you, you didn't move away until I came in and you were getting awfully close to her before the kiss." I snap at her. I had stopped crying now, I was just angry. "You don't have time for me anymore Cordelia, your always with the other girls or with Misty or doing some other shit and your never here for me or a pend time with me and It really sucks." I say trying to hold back my tears. "Y/n, I'm sorry I really am. I didn't mean to make you feel like that please just give me another chance." Cordelia pleads." I pause for a minute thinking about what she'd said. I had given her another chance before, in fact I'd given her multiple chances over the past few months, to spend more time with me and she still hadn't. The girls were still more important than me.
[end of flashback]

[Two weeks later]
I hadn't spoken to Cordelia since we broke up. She would call me every day and message me but I'd just ignore her. She would even show up to my apartment but I'd just ignore her again. After the first week of being ignored, she finally stopped. That was until today. My phone rang and I was surprised as no one had called me since I left. It was Mallory. I sighed and answered the phone "what's up?" I said bluntly. I could hear sniffles in the background and then Mallory spoke "Y/n you need to come back, you need to talk to her." She says quickly. At first I didn't know what she was talking about and then I realised she was talking about Cordelia. "No." I said abruptly, hadn't I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to her? "Please y/n, she's done nothing but cry for the past 2 weeks and we can't handle it anymore, please just talk to her." I didn't speak for a minute and then let a huge sigh just to make sure Mallory knew I wasn't happy about this, "fine!" I said, "I'll be 10 minutes." I then hung up the phone and got my shoes on and headed out to my car.

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